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Taking deep breaths with mullai crying on his chest, kathir controlled himself........
Gently caressing her hair-line he pushed the free hair aside and kissed her forehead.....
Unlike the previous kisses this one soothed her a bit and stopped her feeble sobs......
Caressing her hair again and again gently he kissed her forehead once again wiping her tears completely.......

Mullai's sobs stopped completely......
Making her move away from him, kathir directly looked into her eyes boring deeply into her soul......
Mullai closed her eyes suddenly unable to face him further.....

Kathir gently kissed her eyes making her open it instantly and started staring at her more intensely than the previous time...........
Mullai started shivering within on meeting his gaze......

M:in a trembling voice app...ap.....ap.......di......paa.......kaa...........

K:in a husky tone nearing her ears and fanning her earlobes vera epdi paaka????


K:Apo naa kathu tharatta???

He asked in a certainly calm tone making her tremble more..........

Both of them were not aware where this conversation may lead them........
Infact, both of them even didnt realise the meaning of their words........
It was one another "sweet nothings" by themselves........
Well "Nothings" is correct, but whether its sweet or not is upto their further chat......


Nearing her more in such a way that bristles of his moustache already tickled her ear bud reddening her already red cheeks.......
Mullai's breath turned erratic........
In a slow, steady and deep manner he planted a kiss on her earlobes making goosebumps erupt on her skin all over........

She started losing herself to him already......
With him slowly caressing her in places were his hands are not supposed to reach in the bright daylight, she started losing her senses to him.........
With him in a slow yet steady manner measuring the inches of the features of her face and wetting them through his lips mullai melted in his hand,,,,,,,,
Both forgot why and what for they are getting into the other again and again........

They forgot the world.......
They forgot that it is day not night.........
They forgot what they were talking..........
They even forgot kathir proposed her and mullai is yet to answer for the same..........

Infact, they remembered nothing..........

Not lust.....
Not desire.........
Not passion............
Not ego........
Not anger........
Not sadness...........
Not happiness..........
Not hunger...........
Not even love............

It was peace.........

Just a sense of peace surged on their body, penetrated their blood and merged in their soul.........

Both were not aware of the amount of time they both stood there kissing.........

And it was kathir who came back to the real world controlling himself such that his desire shouldn't go out of control......
Moving her beautifully combed, now unkempt hair aside he gently kissed her forehead........

Patting her cheeks he caught hold of her shoulders and made her sit in the cot.........
Sitting beside her he was looking at her quietly taking hold of her hands and caressing them gently.......
And as per his calculations mullai calmed down........

Even without her knowledge she leaned on his shoulder holding his arms tightly.....
Kathir gently caressed her eye-brows........
Pleasant silence prevailed that was broke by kathir himself who wanted atleast some random conversation to happen to reduce the density of the situation as he feared that he himself may pounce over her if they both sat there in the same silence for next few seconds......

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