The night she found out

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My phone wouldn't stop ringing. I didn't want to answer because it was an unknown number. The phone rang one last time. I finally picked it up.

Jughead- What do you want?
Unknown- For you to end things with her.
Jughead- With who?
Unknown- You know, the one getting getting ready for your date right now. She would make a great-
Jughead- Don't even finish that sentence. If you lay one finger on her you are dead.
Unknown- End it with her. You have three hours or else she is mine.

I quickly hung up and ran my hands through my hair. I have to end it with her to protect her right? Thoughts after thoughts ran through my head as I paced back and forth trying to find the best way to end things.


"V what am I going to tell him? He is just gonna leave me." I said.

"B we both know that Jughead loves you more than ever. There is no way he is gonna back out on this." Veronica said.

"I hope your right." I said. I made last adjustments to my outfits and looked in the mirror. Veronica turned me around and pulled me into a hug.

"I love you B. And if he doesn't support you then you have all of us who will." Veronica said.

"Aw you're to sweet, but now I have to go." I said. Veronica nodded and went out the door. I walked downstairs and saw my mom on the couch. She waved goodbye and headed to my car.

On the drive to Jughead I was nervous but excited for this big step in my life. I mean I'm gonna be a mother. I didn't  expect it to happen this early on but I will make it work.

I arrived at jugs and knocked on the door. He answered and gave me a small smile. I went and sat on the couch and he sat down right next to me.

"Jughead I have something to tell you." I said.

"Me too. I'll go first." He said.

"I want to break up." He said. My eyes widened and tears started to form. How does one guy have such an effect on me.

"Wait why? I thought we were doing fine?" I said as the tears formed in my eyes. Jughead's eyes saddened as he looked at me.

"Betty please hear me out." He said. I quickly stood up and ran out crying. I got into my car and started punching the steering wheel. Why was he such a bastard?

I looked at Jughead in the window who was on the couch crying. Why was he crying? He is the one who had caused this. I never wanted to see his face again. I drove home barely able to think but questioned if our time together meant anything to him.

I arrived home and slammed the door, I ran upstairs and saw Veronica on her phone. She looked up and saw my face.

"B what happened?" She asked with a confused look.

"He broke up with me." I said trying to hold in my tears. Veronica quickly got up and pulled me into a a hug. I cried into her chest. We sat down on the bed and Veronica pulled out her phone and started making phone calls. I was in too much of a despair to ask what she was doing.

"Betty go freshen up and take a shower." She said pointing to my bathroom. I nodded and went into my bathroom.

I started up the shower and waited for it to warm up. I got in and the hot water touched my skin immediately, washing all my sorrows away.

I got out and threw on my pjs. I walked out to see Veronica and all of the gang. Kevin, Cheryl, Toni, and Veronica.

"Oh dear betty I heard what that snake did. If you want I can drown him in syrup." Cheryl said.

"Ok Cheryl your to kind." I said laughing. Toni walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Betty omg I heard your pregnant. I'm gonna be a great uncle." Kevin squealed.

"Uncle, Kevin. But Yes you are." I said patting his back.

"Let's get this party started chums." Cheryl said.

That night was one of the best nights I have ever had. Jughead wasn't on my mind once that whole time.

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