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We didn't get home till late at night. It was 3 am till we arrived at the apartment. I expected Jughead to past asleep.

I opened the door to see the lights all on. I heard noises in our bedroom. I set everything down and went to look.

The door flung open and there was Jughead passed out on the bed with a dog? I turned off the light and shut the door.

When the hell did he get a dog. I picked up Juliet and carried her to her room. She had been passed out for a while.

"Mommyyy I want to see daddy." She grumbled. I patted her back and shook my head.

"Baby, daddy is asleep." I said. I heard her soft cries in my shirt. She was definitely tired and cranky.

I placed her in her bed and she fell Straight asleep. I shut her door quietly and made my way to my room. I opened the door and I saw Jughead propped up.

"Heyyyy bettyyy." He said.

"Jughead be quiet I know your drunk, your daughter is asleep." I said.

"I'm so sorry I kissed and had a kid with Claudia. This is my dog." He said.

"You had a kid with Claudia?!" I asked.

"Yeahhh her name is Juliet and you are raising her, when we were in the hotel room me and Claudia kissed a lot. She gave me a really good blue drink." He said passing out on my shoulder.

I have a feeling he was drugged. I moved his head down to the pillow. He turned over and I laid down.

He turned over and pulled me tightly to him. I could smell his signature smell.


I woke up to a scent, my favorite scent. My head was pounding. I untangled my arms from Betty and sat up.

"Headache?" She mumbled. I nodded.

"There's Advil on the counter." She said. I got up and there indeed was Advil with a glass of water.

I took the water and Advil then headed back to the bedroom. Betty was propped onto the bed on her phone. She looked and gave me a death stare.

"Betty I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I can't even explain it. I regret everything. I don't know what overcame me." I said.

She shrugged and went back to her Phone. "Do you think this is a joke?" I asked her.

"No I'm just not buying your act." She said.

"What the hell do you mean?" I asked her.

"Last night when you were in your drunken state you said you kissed claudia. And who the hell dog is this." She said.

"I picked him up from street, he was about to be hit by a car. I don't even remember anything that happened with Claudia." I said.

"I'm going." She said getting up.

"Where are you going?" I asked her. She left without saying a word. What the hell is going on with her.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the friends app. She had turned off her location. I never used this app because I trusted but I just needed to know she was safe.

I snuck into Juliet's room to get her iPad. I know she didn't turn it off for her. Juliet was sound asleep it felt like a year since I last saw her. I kissed her forehead lightly.

I closed her door and hopped onto the couch. Her iPad didn't have a passcode so it would be easy. I opened the friends and there I was right, Betty's location.

"Hey Archie, can you come watch Juliet. I need to something right quick." I said to Rachid on the phone.

"Yeah of course, I'll be over in a few." He said hanging up.

Archie arrived well with in three minutes. He had to have been in town to get here so fast.

"Thank you Arch, you're a live saver." I said running out the door.

I followed Betty's every move. We ended up an abandoned building. I have never been through this part of town.


A car was following me on my every move. It was almost like they knew my every move. Veronica texted me to meet her at this address. It was a bit weird coming from her but I rolled with it.

I stepped out of the car and looked at my phone. Veronica had texted me to come in. I walked up to the door and knocked, it opened.

I heard muffled screams and cries. Running toward the sound I saw body behind me.

"Why hello Betty." Someone said. It was a female voice, but one I have never heard.

I turned around to see the figure dressed up in a black cloak holding something.

"Follow me." It said walking in front of me. I followed it towards a closed door. The figure opened it and it revealed two people.

It pulled off the bags on their heads and it turned out to be Charles and Veronica? Veronica looked horrified and Charles looked unconscious.

"Let them go!" I yelled. They thing grabbed my hand and threw me onto the couch with them. They grabbed the object and hit against Charles stomach. I could see him flinch in pain.

"Who the hell are you?!" I asked the thing. It slowly pulled off its mask and it revealed, claudia.

I got up and lunged toward her but she moved before I could. A body came from the doorway and hit a chair over her head.

"Jughead?" I asked . He got up and looked over at me. His eyes went soft. I saw the figure getting up behind up behind him.

My eyes widened as a knife went into his back. Tears blinded my eyes as he fell to the floor. The figure walked slowly over to me.

"I'm always going to get my Betty. You will never win." Claudia said.

She grabbed my hair and banged my head against the wall. That's when everything went black.

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