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I was very excited for our date tonight. I haven't been on one since Bryan. That was horrible

I finished up my makeup and I felt hands wrap around my waist.

"You look beautiful." Jug said.

"You don't like to bad yourself." I said. He tried to pull me into a kiss but I stopped him.

"You're gonna ruin my makeup."I said. He rolled his eyes and we started to Mae our way downstairs.

I saw Veronica reading the kids a book. And Archie was watching tv. Veronica looked up and her mouth dropped.

"Omg B you look great!" Veronica squealed. I hugged her and I walked over to Julie. She was passed out. I nudged and she shot up.

"Mommy!" She said.

"Sorry but me and daddy are going." I said. She stood and brought me into a hug. Jughead walked up to her and picked her up.

"Goodbye pumpkin." He said. She hugged him tight. He put her down and came over to me.

"Ready." He said.

"Ready then I'll ever be." I said. He grabbed my hand and we started to the car. I was really excited.

"Where are we going." I asked him.

"You'll found out when we're there." He said.


We arrived with in no time. I was taking her to my favorite steak place. It was really hard to get a reservation.

I gave my keys to the valet driver. He drove off and we walked in.

"Who will I be sitting today?" The waiter asked.

"Jughead Jones." I said.

"Ok follow me." He said. We made our way through all the tables and Then we reached a staircase. We walked up the car of stairs.

We arrived n the rooftop where there was a candle lit table secluded.

"What can I get you to drink." He asked us.

"I'll get a glass of red wine." Betty said. The waiter wrote it down and looked at me.

"I'll get the same. Actually just bring us a bottle." I said. He nodded and walked back down.

"Jug?! That's 90 dollars." She said.

"I know but I'm spoiling you." I said.

"I guess. The view up here is breathtaking." She said.

"Not as beautiful as you." I said.

"Jug stop." She said.

"Ok ok." I said. A different waiter came up and Bettys eyes widened. His smile faded quickly.

"Hello I'm Bryan. I will be your waiter today. I've brought you your wine." He said smiling.

"Thank you." Betty said.

"Would you like me to pour you glass, Mam?" He asked. She nodded and he started to poor it. They kept staring at each other.

"Can you pour mine too?" I asked him. He placed the glass down and walked away.

"Rude." Betty muttered. She got up and went down the stairs. What the heck. I got up and followed her.

She walked to the back with the waiter. I started to over hear their conversation.

"Bryan what the hell was that back there." She yelled.

"Look Betty, anyone who touches you is gonna get it." He said.

"Bryan we broke up two years ago because you cheated. You have no where right to do anything to the one I love." She said.

"You love him?! He is just scrawny little guy. Don't you want a big strong man." He said.

"No thanks. Jughead will always own my heart." She said.

"How is my daughter." He asked. His daughter she is mine?!

"Your daughter? She is Jugheads." She said. She started to walk away but he grabbed her hand. He pulled her into a kiss but she immediately pushed him away.

"Jughead let's go." She said walking away. I caught with her and she had tears in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and we walked out.

I talked to the waiter and he was gonna call the valet driver to pick us up.

"Betty are you ok?" I asked her. She nodded but then shook her head. I pulled her close to me as she cried Into my chest. He must have done a number on her.

The car up and I tipped the driver. We both got in and it was silent.

"Bryan was my ex. It was good at first till I caught him in bed with my roommate." She said.

"Betts I'm so sorry." I said.

"You didn't do anything. Now let's talk about something else." She said. I nodded.

"Wanna get a burger." I asked her. She nodded wiping her tears away.


Jughead was very comforting. That's one thing I loved about him. He took us to get burgers and we talked the night away.

When we got home the house was quiet. We went up to my room and started to get ready for bed.

"Betty." Jughead called.

"Yes?" I said. I came out and saw him laying down. He patted the spot next to him and I walked over to it.

I laid down and he pulled me close to him. I looked up and gave him a kiss.

"Goodnight." He said.

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