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I woke up to the phone ringing. I looked around and realized I was in Jughead bed. He wasn't there though. I picked up my phone and answered.

Betty- Hello?
Veronica- Hey Betty just so you know use protection.
Betty- Wait what?
Veronica- You know pro-
Betty- Oh my god stop it.
Veronica- Whatever but if you don't I'll still be happy to be an aunt to another child.
Betty- V stop it, what do you want.
Veronica- J don't know just checking on you. And cher dropped Julie off and she is fine. She has just been sleeping.
Betty- Oh thank god. Ok well I better get going.
Veronica- Bye b.

I hung up. I heard movement in the bathroom so I decided to check it out. I got up and walked over. I saw Jughead sitting over the toilet. I ran over to him.

"Jug are you ok?" I asked him.

"Totally. Can you get my pain meds and water?" He asked. I nodded and got up. I walked to the kitchen and started rummaging through his stuff. Something caught my eye and I picked it up. It was a letter. I decided to read it.

Dear Juliet,
I never meant anything I said to you. I was forced. It was for your safety. I don't know what I could do with my self if you were hurt or worse even dead. Betty I love you so much and you don't know how much it pained me to do what I did to you. Please reconsider us.

-Yours truly,

By that I was tearing up. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Jughead.

"That was for you back in high school but I never got the guts to give it to you." He said.

"Why did you?" I asked.

"Well when you were coming over I had gotten a call from Penny and she said to break up or else she would take you. And kill you. I couldn't have that happen so I took the wimp way out and broke up with you. I didn't want to but it was to protect you." He said.

"We could have worked stuff out." I said.

"Betty you don't know how dangerous Penny is. She can do some unexplainable stuff." He said.

"Oh. Well I better get going." I said. I was but hurt. Not because of Penny but if him. We could have worked stuff out.

"Betty wait." He said. I turned around and looked home straight in the eyes.

"Jug I'm fine. I just have to get home for Julie. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said. I went to his room and collected my stuff.

I walked out of the room and saw Jughead on the couch drinking coffee.

"Goodbye jug." I said. He looked up and didn't say anything. I walked out to my Uber.

I arrived home and Julie greeted me. I picked her up and have her a big hug.

"Mommy your gonna crush me." She said trying get out of my grasp.

"Whatever." I said.

"Mommy where were you?" She asked.

"Sleeping over at a friends." I said.

"Which friend." She asked.

"From high school. Now let's go upstairs." I said. She nodded and we went to her room. It was clean for once.

"Mommy go, I'm gonna play." She said. She walked into her room and shut the door. I walked up the stairs to my room.

I set my bag down and fell onto my bed. What if I ruined everything. My thoughts took me into a deep sleep.


I love Betty cooper. And I never stopped. I have to tell her before it's to late. But it's way to late tonight I'm gonna tell her tomorrow.

I went to my room and got into bed. I was taken into a deep sleep.

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