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I just wanted to make a quick thank you for 11k reads! It means a lot to me that people read my works and "enjoy it". But I just wanted to come on and say this is the last chapter!!

I've had such a fun time writing this fanfic. Even though I post in very long periods of time I'm still always trying to come up with chapters.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the last chapter! :))

(This chapter is going to kind of be a wrap up and skipping ahead of events)


7 days till the wedding

Overtime Jughead had finally regained his memories in a span of five months.

Stuff was going great for them. It was the most normal it could be. Jughead finally sealed the deal with Betty about a month after his memory recovery.

"V I can't believe I'm going to be getting married in a week." Betty said to Veronica. She was getting ready for her bachelorette weekend with her bridesmaids.

"As your second maid of honor im so happy and excited for you. It's about you and Jughead got married." Veronica said sitting down by Betty.

Betty couldn't help but chuckle. After five years she was going to marry the love of her life.

"Are you all packed for your last weekend of freedom?" Veronica asked. Betty nodded her head quickly.

Betty got up and went over to the living room where sat Jughead and Juliet watching a movie.

Jughead looked up at her sweetly. He still lost his breath every time he saw her. His sparkle for her would never die.

"I'm going to heading off. I'll see you Romeo on Tuesday. Have fun!" Betty said. Jughead got up and pulled her into a loving kiss.

Juliet couldn't help by making a gagging noise. "Mommy I exist too." Juliet pouted.

"How could I ever forget you." Betty said. She nealed down to Juliet height and gave her a big hug.

Betty and Veronica both grabbed their bags and made their way for the door.

4 days till the wedding

Betty had never felt so alive on her little getaway trip with the girls.

Stuff was very overwhelming in the jones cooper household.

They had last minute designs and alterations with everything. Getting everything ready was the most of their priorities.

"Mommy I'm hungry." Juliet complained. She had had barely attention on her all week and she was sick of it.

"Baby just one second." Betty said. She was currently on the phone with the venue. Her photographer had cancelled last minute.

A loyd knock awoke the room. Everyone turned their heads to the door and Jughead rushed over. He opened it to reveal Betty's parents.

"Just in time! Mom dad I need you to take Juliet for the rest of the week." Betty said.

"We were just about to come and take her out. Juliet let's go get your stuff packed." Alice said motioning Juliet to her room.

Hal went to go over and give Jughead a hug. Over the months he had grown fond of Jughead.

"What's up Mr. Cooper." Jughead said pulling Hal into a side hug.

"Jughead please you're almost my son in law call me Hal." Hal said. He went over to Betty and pulled her into a hug.

Alice and Juliet soon came out with an arrow of bags.

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