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We put the last of betty's stuff into the trunk. She got into the passenger and started the car. I closed the trunk and asked to front, i got in and started driving.

Julie wasn't coming till tomorrow because it would be to much of a hassle to have her there. On the way there me and Betty listened to a bunch of old songs from when we were in high school.

We arrived at the apartment soon after. I got out and opened the trunk to start pulling out boxes.Betty helped me and we took three at a time. She didn't have much so it wasn't;t that hard.

I closed the door and fell onto the couch. Betty sat down and started drinking a beer. "Want one." She asked. I shook my head. No.

"Ok well I'm gonna go start unpacking." She said getting up.

"The other half of the dresser is for you." I said. She nodded and walked into the other room. I decided to watch a movie. I put in the avengers and sat back.

Betty came out and sat by me. I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned her head on my shoulder. "This is nice." She said.

"Very." I chuckled.

"Oh I got julie so new things. If you want we can go put it up." I asker her.

"Not right now. Let's just sit her for a while." She said. I nodded and kissed her hair. I pulled a blunt over us and continued watching the movie.


I woke up with someone's arms around me. I looked around it was dark. How long did we sleep. I glanced at the clock and it 11 o'clock. I nudged Jughead and his eyes fluttered open.

"What time is it." He asked.

"11 something." I said.

"Dang. Wanna go to our room." He asked. I nodded and we both got up. We walked in and I laid down. He pulled me close and kissed my temple.

"Goodnight." He said.

(Again this is really short but this is just a small update. I promise in the next chapter it will be longer.)

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