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I woke up in a bright room. I heard people speaking and writing down things. One saw me and rushed over to me.

"Where is Jughead?" I asked.

"What is your name?" The doctor asked. He nodded and wrote it down.

"Betty, Now What is going on and where is Jughead!" I said again a bit annoyed.

"Betty you were in a coma for quite some time. Your boyfriend Jughead was stabbed and he has been in a coma since then." The doctor said.

"How long." I said.

"About a month." The doctor said. I gasped, the doctors started to file out of the room and it was left with just one.

"We are contacting your family. Please get some rest." The doctor said as he left the room.

I was still in shock due to the amount of things I was just told. I had so many questions.

A group of people came rushing by my window and flung the door open. Veronica, Archie, my dad and my mom all piled in.

"Oh my god Betty your awake." Archie and Veronica said in sync as they engulfed me into a hug.

"Where is Juliet?" I asked. They backed away revealing the small girl. My little Julie.

"Mommy!!" She screamed as she ran onto my bed. It felt like forever since I had seen her.

"Betty, how are you feeling?" My parents asked.

"Fine I guess but besides the fact. How did any of this happen?" I asked.

"Well Jughead had called the cops before hand before he went to save you. When he got stabbed and you got hit in the head, the police came just in time. They arrested her and she now has a life sentence." Veronica said.

"Where is jug?" I asked.

"ICU, he has a breathing machine and everything." Archie said. Veronica jabbed Archie in the stomach with her elbow.

"Can I see him?" I asked.

"Of course honey. Let me just get you a wheel chair and I'll give you time alone." My mom said. She left for a few minutes then came back with a wheel chair.

I got up and Veronica helped me on. My mom wheeled me out and we made our way to the ICU.

"May I ask who you are here for?" The lady asked.

"Jughead Jones?" M'y mom said.

"Mam I'm sorry but there is no one under that name." She said my heart dropped to my stomach.

"Now there is a Jughead jones down that hall." She said pointing. My mom thanked her and we went down the long hallway.

We arrived at a closed door. My mom opened it and there was Jughead. He had tubes and everything hooked up to him.

It was a horrible sight to see. I couldn't bare to see him like this.

"I'll leave you two alone." My mom said closing the door. I wheeled over to his sides bc touched his arm.

"Jughead I don't know if you can hear me but all I want to say is thank you. For following me. I love you so much and I just don't know what I could do without you. Me and Julie need you." I said holding his hand.

I felt a slight grasp on my hand then the heart monitor started beeping like crazy. A flow of nurses rushed in and crowded him, one of them took me back to my room and closed the door.

I wasn't sure what time it was but I saw a few cuddled up on the couch and in the corner, what would I ever do without them. I slipped into the hospital bed and fell into a deep sleep.


Flashing lights surrounded me. Loud noises invade me ears, I had no idea what was going on. Was I dead?

"Doctor get me the vital tube. Nurse calli get me the mask." Someone said. I couldn't see anything but I heard them. A few minutes before I heard an angelic voice speaking to me. It sounds familiar but I couldn't get a grasp on it.

Then I opened my eyes but I closed them quickly not being able to open them again. People cheered and I heard more talk about supplies.

The sounds were in and out. I was able to hear specific things and I felt like a secret spy. A door opened and closed and the sounds of squeaky wheels got closer.

"Jughead I hope you can hear me. It's been about three months, you are in and out but I have hope. I love you so much." The voice said. That was the angelic voice I had heard earlier.

"Daddy I miss you! I hope you come back." Another voice said. A long fit of laughter came in. More footsteps.

I could finally feel my body. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was surrounded by eyes. Some widened and some teared up.

A blonde caught my attention. She was beautiful. But why were so many people in here. She looked so familiar, everyone did.

"Jughead!" The blonde said flinging her arms on me. I was a bit taken back by the action and quickly tensed up.

"Um eh, who are you miss?"I asked. Her eyes widened and she looked like she was defeated.

"You don't remember?" She asked quietly. I slowly shook my head.

"All of you look so familiar but that blonde looks like someone I know." I said pointing at her.

"Jughead that's your girlfriend. You also have a child." The redhead said. I had a child and girlfriend? That blonde was her. How had I ever struck so lucky.

A man entered the room with a clip board. He sat down on the chair by my bed.

"Hi Jughead I'm doctor Rainer, how are You?" The man asked.

"Who is everyone here? I can't remember anything." I said.

"We are going to get you in a CT scan to get your brain vitals and see if anything is wrong." The doctor said.

He told everyone something and they all left. Muses came in and rolled me out.

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