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My phone had started ringing early in the morning. I didn't want to answer because i was to comfortable. After call and call I finally got up to answer.

Betty- Hello?
Alice- Honey, hey!
Betty- Oh mom it was you. Sorry I didn't answer.
Alice- It's fine.
Betty- Why are you calling so early in the morning?
Alice- Remember its day where we are.
Betty- Rightt, So what did you need.
Alice- Well I was wondering if you and julie could come down and visit. We will pay for everything. And if you have a boyfriend we will pay for him too. Oh please tell me you have a boyfriend. Julie needs a father figure.
Betty- I will think about it, and I do have a boyfriend.
Alice- What's his name?!
Betty- Jughead, high school sweetheart.
Alice- That guy? I thought he broke your heart.
Betty- Mom I will explain everything when we have an answer.
Alice- Ok honey bye.

With that I hung up. Me and my mom didnt talk a lot due to the different time zones. After I moved to New York. Her and my father moved to the UK for a new start. My brother and sister are also there. So it would be nice to see them.

I felt jughead stir. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me close to him. I could feel his hot breath on my skin.

"Betty what are you doing up so early?" He asked sitting up. I sat up and turned on the lamp. It was 3 o'clock in the morning. Pretty early.

"My mom called. But she forgot about the time zones." I said.

"Did you tell her about us." He asked me.

"Yea and she wanted us to come down. She said she would pay for our ticket too. It would be nice to get away and see my family. I haven't seen them in two years. Me and julie always tried to make an effort to go up there but work always got in the way." I said.

"Well then lets go. It will be fun for all of us. And I'm sure julie wants to see her grandparents." Jughead said.

"Ok I will give her a call when we get up." I said.

"Now lets go back to bed it way to early." He chuckled. We both switched the light off and got back into our comfortable positions.

*five hours later*


The door cracked open revealing Juliet. She never was a person to sleep in. She had her ipad in one hand and a stuffed animal in the other. I sat up and motioned her to come lay with us. She got up onto the bed and sat next to me.

"Julie how do feel about seeing Grandma and Grandpa." I asked her.

"Grandma and grandpa!" She said.

"Do you want to see them?" I asked.

"Yes but don't they live far away?" She asked.

"Well grandma offered to fly us down to see them for two weeks. You can also meet your aunts and uncles, even your cousin's." I said. Her eyes lit up.

"Really? Is daddy going?" She asked.

"Yes." I said.

"When would we leave?" She asked.

"Probably this weekend." I said.

"Yay! I'm gonna watch my movie now." She said. She put her headphones on and started her movie. Jughead sat up and got his phones out. I decided to get up and Make coffee.

"Where are you going?" Jughead asked.

"Making coffee you can help if you want." I said.

"Ok let me just get on pants." He said. He got up and slid on some pants. Julie looked back and then back to her movie. We walked out and Jughead sat on the couch. I went to make the coffee.

I brought our cups of coffee and sat down. Jug turned on some random show. "So we want to lave this weekend?" I asked him. He looked at me and nodded.

"Yea i just need to schedule off for work." He said.

"Ok. I have to make a quick run to cvs to get stuff. Do you need anything." I asked him.

"Yea travel shampoo and conditioner." He said.

"Ok." Is aid. I got up and went to the kitchen to grab my purse. I needed to get a few things for the trip because I haven't traveled in a while.


"Daddy where is mommy going?" Julie asked.

"She is going to get some stuff for the trip. Is there something wrong sweetheart?" I asked her.

"No but I need help packing. I don't know which color scheme will go good with my winter clothes." She said. Wow this child knows more about clothes then I ever will.

"That would something mommy would need to help you with. I barely know anything about clothes." I said.

"And it shows." She said walking into the room. She definitely gets the sass from Betty. I got up and decided to start packing. I first needed to call in at work.

After I called in and walked into my our room. I went to the closet and pulled out aa big suitcase. I also pulled done down for Betty. I started to grab everything I needed.

Julie came in with a bag full of clothes. "Honey do you really that many?" I asked her. She looked at me like I did something insane.

"Aren't we going for two weeks? That's like forty days." She said.

"No honey that 14 days/ come on let sick out the outfits you really want." I said. She nodded and we walked to her room. She had a bunch of clothes. She set down her bag and laid out all outfits she had.

She ended up putting a lot back. I was gonna have Betty help her with the rest. I heard the door open. That must be Betty. I peeked my head out and she had a bunch of bags.

"Mommy what do you get?" Julie asked Betty.

"Well I got some stuff for the plane for you to keep you entertained. I got hygiene stuff for me and daddy. And some extra candies for the plane." She said.

"Can i see what I got??" Julie asked running to the bags. Betty quickly grabbed the bags and shook her head. "Not til the plane. I know you julie. You're going to want to play with it and then you will forget it." Betty said.

"You're no fun." Julie yelled stomping off to her room.

"Wow whats up with her today?" Betty asked.

"I don't know. Mabe she is just moody and needs a nap." I said.

"Probably, I'm gonna go help her pack." She said walking into julies room. She shut the door immediately. Sometimes i wish I had a son so I wasn't the only boy. I love my girls but they are sometimes to much.

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