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I started driving to Bettys at 2 in the morning. I know it was way to early but I couldn't sleep.

I arrived at the house and I decided to climb up to her window. I didn't want to wake up the rest of the house. I walked to back where her bedroom was.

I started throwing rocks to get her attention. After ten minutes I finally saw a light turn on.

"Jughead?! It's two in the morning?!" She whisper yelled.

"Yes but I have to tell you something." I said.

"Go to the front door and I'll unlock. We can talk in my room crazy." She said. I nodded and she closed the window.

I walked towards the front and waited for her to unlock it. Tte door unlocked and Betty was standing there. She motioned me to come in. I walked in and we walked to her room.

She sat on her bed. "Betty." I said. She looked up at me.

"I love you." I said.

"You w-what?" She said.

"Betty I love you." I said louder. She got up and walked up to me. She wrapped her hands around my neck. I put my hand on her cheek and caressed it.

"I love you too." She said. I smiled and brought her into a kiss. The kiss was filled with love.

"Oh my god." Someone said. We both looked over to see Veronicas mouth hanging.

"Veronica?!" Betty yelled.

"Jughead live to tell my story." Veronica yelled. Betty let go of my neck and ran after Veronica.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Betty yelled. They came back and Betty had a hold of Veronica.

"You better go before you wake up the house." Betty said to Veronica.

"Fine whatever." Ronnie said. She closed the door and Betty asked back up to me.

"Wanna stay." She asked. I nodded. She pulled out out a old shirt.

"This was yours." She said. She handed it to me and it was my old S tshirt. I slid off my pant and put on the shirt. Betty got in bed and I got in right after.

I wrapped my arms around her and she nuzzled her neck into my chest.

"Goodnight Betts." I said kissing her hair. And with that we feel asleep. I couldn't believe I finally had her with me.


"Mommy? Why are you in bed with your friend." I heard Julie ask. I sat straight up and smiled awkwardly at her

"Uh because we were having a sleepover." I said. Why can't I just tell her. I'm sure jug wants to raise her. Just suck it up.

"Well actually there is one thing." I said.

"What?" She asked. I motioned her to come sit in the middle of us. Jughead was still asleep so I pulled her closer to me.

"Honey I should of told you this a long time ago." I said.

"Mommy tell me!" She said.

"Ok ok. Jughead is your dad sweetheart." I said. She looked at me looked over at jug. Her face became mad and started tearing up.

"Why didn't you tell me I had a daddy!" She said crying. Jughead was staring to wake up and he saw Julie.

"Daddy." She said. She crawled into Jughead lap and hugged him. He looked at me with a happy face.

"Are you gonna give mommy a good morning hug?" Jughead asked Julie.

"No I hate her!" She yelled with tears. My eyes widened.

"Julie don't say that!" I said.

"You hid daddy from me. I hate you! Your a bad mommy." She yelled. She got off of Jugheads lap and ran away crying. Those words tore my heart apart. I started to get up but jug stopped me.

"Hey how about I go deal with this. I'll talk to her." He said. I nodded and he kissed my head. He got up and went to her room.

I laid back and saw a figure in the door. It was Ronnie. She walked in and laid down next to me. She laid her head on my shoulder.

"Julie really doesn't mean it B." She said.

"Yea I know but it still hurt." I said.

"She's young and she is still learning. I'm sure but tonight she will be her loving self."  V said.

"I guess so." I said.

"Oh yes me and arch have a date latter tonight. You're watching the kids." She said getting up.

"Ok bye." I said. With that she left. I got up and decided to get changed. I walked over and shut the door. I went to my dresser and grabbed some clothes.

I started to slip my clothes off when I heard the door open.

"Hey be. Omg I'm so sorry I'll go." Jughead said slamming the door. I chuckled to myself. He was to cute.

I got changed and opened the door. Jughead was waiting outside the door.

"Hey I'm sorry." He said.

"It's ok." I said. He brought his lips to mine. It was a short sweet kiss.

"Did you calm Julie down?" I asked.

"He's she just needs some time. I talked to her and we played for a few minutes." He said.

"You are gonna be a great father." I said.

"I know I'm perfect." He said.

"Oh stop it and you're helping babysit." I said.

"Ok." He said.

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