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I set my keys down onto my new apartment counter. My girlfriend came through the door and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Jug I have to be somewhere at 10 and I won't be home 7." Claudia said.

"Oh ok. Bye. I love you." I said. She waved goodbye and slammed the door. After we moved to New York City she has been acting really distant.

Maybe I could walk around and get used to this new environment. We had moved from a small little neighborhood outside of New York so this was a big change.

I grabbed my key and walked to my car. I drove around looking for a small little cafe to sit and work on my book. I spotted one in between a book store. Perfect.

I parked my car and walked in. Someone opened the door for me. I thanked them and walked in. I walked the register and a certain blonde came through. Ah Betty cooper.

"Jughead?! Is that really you?" She said.

"Yes Well long time no see." I chuckled. She giggled. I remember that smile. Something right there sparked in me. A happiness that I haven't felt since high school.

"What can it get you?" She asked. I snapped out of my thought and started to pull out my phone.

"Can I get your number and a coffee." I said.

"Sure just give me your phone." She said. I handed it to her and she started typing in something. I know Claudia wouldn't be to happy that I was talking to my ex but there is nothing between us right.

"Thank you. Gosh it's been a while. Can we sit and talk?" I asked.

"Yea let me just go talk to my manager." She said. She took off her apron and went to the back. I went to sit at a table. Seconds later she came in and sat down.

"So how have you been." I asked her.

"Eh. I mean I'm moving in with Ronnie in two days. So I'm excited, how about you." She said.

"I just moved here and I have a girlfriend. Her name is Claudia." I said.

"That's great. Well it was nice talking but I have to get back to work." She said getting up. I waved goodbye and walked out.


It was him. I said I never wanted to see him again but that little voice inside me saying that I still love him and wanted to see him was true. But it was to late. He already had a girlfriend.

I arrived home to Veronica with her twins and Juliet. They saw me and smiled. All of the kids ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Hi kids. How was today?" I asked.

"It was good. But auntie B don't tell Carson I told you this but Carson likes Julie." Abby whispered.

"Oh my." I said.

"Hey B. So how is your packing going along." Veronica said.

"Pretty good I'm almost done. " I said.

"Ok. Did you hear Jughead is back in town. Also I invited him to dinner tonight so you are coming." V said.

"Whyyy." I said.

"Mommy who is jug-head." Julie asked. This was the question I wanted to avoid forever.

"Uh, he is just an old friend." I said.

"Ok." She said. Julie ran back into her room with Abby. I sat down on the couch and ran My hands through my hair.

"B it's gonna be fine. I'm sure he won't notice." V said.

"I guess so. Shouldn't you getting going. Don't you have to make dinner." I asked Veronica.

"Girl it's Friday night I'm not cooking. I'm just gonna order food from the steak house. I'm getting the kids pizza." She said.

"Oh my." I said.

"Well I still have to pick up the food so I better get going. See you later b." V said getting up. She picked up and went to get Abby.

Julie came out running away from something. "Mommy there is a spider in my room!" She said screaming. I looked Veronica and she ran out the door. What a scaredy cat.

"It's ok baby. Let's not scream ok." I said.

"Ok can I go watch frozen on my iPad in your room." She asked.

"Yea sure. I'll go get the spider." I said. She ran into my room and I went to go get a napkin. I went into her room and looked around for the spider.

I found it and put it in the napkin. I walked over to the window and opened it. The spider crawled off and I closed it.

"Honey come in here. Let's pick a outfit for dinner." I yelled. Julie ran into the room with her iPad in her hand. She set it down and went over to her closet. She pulled out one of her favorite dresses.

"Are you sure honey?" I asked her.

"Yes now Can I go back to my movie." She asked.

"I guess so but only twenty minutes because we are leaving in thirty minutes." She nodded and walked out. I got up and walked over to my room. I opened my closet and scanned for an outfit. One caught my eye. One I hadn't worn since high school. I grabbed and looked at the tags. Wow I'm still the same size. I walked into the bathroom and put on the outfit.

I walked out in to the living room and Julie was still on her iPad. "Come on let's put it up." I said. She looked up and pitted. I took it out of her hands and put out on the counter. I grabbed her hand we walked out.

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