Rainy days

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The drive to Veronicas wasn't far about 15 minutes without traffic. But now she can't bug me at all hours of the day. But I still love her though. I arrived shortly. I was super excited to see Juliet. Even though it was one night it felt like forever.

I parked my car in the front and walked to the door. Archie opened the door and I walked in. I still had to get some things but it was just minor stuff. Julie saw me and ran to give me a big hug.

"Mommy I missed you!" She exclaimed holding her hands up. I picked her up amen spun her around. She put her head onto my chest.

"Where's daddy?" She asked me.

"He is at work and wont be home till late tonight." I said.

"Oh, I wanna go to home. Let's get my stuff!" She said. I put her down and her little Hands grabbed mine to drag me upstairs. She slept with Abby because all her stuff was at the apartment.

She grabbed her bag and walked back over to me. "Let's go." She said. I grabbed her hand and we walked downstairs. Veronica peeked her head out of the Kitchen.

"Betty give me a few seconds. I'm almost out of a meeting." Veronica said putting her head back to the screen. Me and julie sat down, I let her play games on my phone.

After five minutes Veronica came out and sat down by us. She pulled me into a long hug. I have to admit I was going to miss my best friend.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Veronica said pulling apart from the hug.

"Auntie ron what about me?" Julie said giving her sad eyes.

"I could never forget you. You're my favorite person. Don't tell the twins." She said kissing her head.

"Well we better get going before the traffic get bad. Bye bye Ronnie." I said. Me and julie both got up and started to make our way to the door. Veronica walked us to the car. She put her in and I started it.

The drive was quiet. Julie slept most of the way. She probably stayed up late. I pulled into the parking garage and julie awoke. She started to tear up.

"Mommy I'm gonna miss the cousins." She said.

"I know baby but we can see them when ever you want." I said.

"Ok, are we home?" She asked. I nodded. I got out and went to her side of the car. I unbuckled her from her car seat and she hopped down.

It started to poor down rain. Thankfully we were in the garage. Julie hated the rain. I picked her up and grabbed the bag from the back. She had her head on my shoulder the whole time.

We arrived to the apartment and I started rummaging through my purse to find my keys. They were no where to be seen. I heard the door open and there was jughead. Well he was home early.

"Daddy!!" Julie said leaping into his arms. She gave him a big hug. She kissed her hair. She put down her bag and she ran to her room. She hasn't seen it so we followed behind her. She opened it and her eyes.

"This is all mine?" She asked. She walked around and looked at everything that was there. We got her a few extra things to play with.

"Thank you so much! I love you guys." She said running over it us. We kneeled down and pulled her into a hug.

"Why don't you play while me and daddy order food." I said to her. She nodded and went over to he toys.

Me and Jughead walked out trying to decide what to order. We finally agreed on pizza.

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