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The plane ride went smoothly besides the fact that Betty was acting acting weird the whole way through. Every time I tried to start a conversation with her she would give me short answers and end it.

My phone was blowing up the whole time. It was this Girl named Sydney I used to work with. She kept deleting old messages making it look like we were actually talking, when I was actually telling her to stop. Even if I blocked her she still found a way to message me.

Julie had fallen asleep the rest of the plane ride so she didn't the whole ride. We only had two hours so I decided to watch a movie the rest of the time. Betty got up to go to the bathroom for the longest time. I started to worry about her.

She finally came back and sat down. Her eyes were and puffy. I gave her a quick smile and gave me a slight smile back. "Betty are you ok?" I asked her.

"Ye-eah." She replied. She looked away and went back to her movie. I did the same. We didn't talk the rest of the two hours. And I hated it.

The plane landed and we started to put up her. Julie was awoken by the plane going through the run way. She looked around and realized where we were.

"Yay, grandma and grandpa." She whispered.

"Yup you will get to spend extra time with them." I said poking her nose. A slight giggle came out of her. I couldn't help but look at her awe. She was precious.

Betty was asleep so julie kept poking her. A slight arrised from her face. Julie giggled a bit. She sat up and looked at me then looked away.

"Let's start putting your stuff in your bag julie." Betty said. Julie nodded and started to grab all the nic nacs Betty had packed for her. She put her Ipad in lastly and sat back. We still had to wait to get of plane because they hadn't dismissed us.

"Please exit your seats safely. I hope you all had a great flight and thank you for flying southwest." The pilot said over the speaker. Betty started to stand up. She threw both of her and julies bag over her shoulder. I got up last. We made our way to the front where we were greeted by the nice flight attendants.

They handed julie a little pin hitch put a small smile to her face. We walked down the stairs and into the cold air of Australia. It was winter right now but summer in New York.

"Mommy are grandma picking us up." She asked Betty.

"Yes I talked to her earlier." She said. Julie nodded no took ahold of both me and Betty's hand. We walked into the airport and headed to baggage claim.

We got our bags and stated to wait for Betty's mom. She was going to be our ride while we were in Australia for the time being. A white SUV pulled in front of us.

The window rolled down and it revealed Alice. She had a bright smile on her face. She parked the car and opened the door. Julie ran up to her an gave her a big hug.

"Oh my gosh you are so big." Alice exclaimed.

"Yes I am three." She said holding up five fingers.

"No honey that's five this is three." Alice said holding three fingers.

"Oh." Julie said.

"Mom its so good to see you." Betty said walking into a hug. Alice hugged her tight. They both pulled away and she looked at me. She held out her hands and walked over to me bringing me into a hug. It was a bit surprising.

"Jughead it great to see you." She said pulling away.

"Well why dont we head to the house. Everyone is waiting for you. Charles has a new girlfriend!" Alice said. Betty's eyes widened. She shrugged and walked towards the car. Alice helped me with the luggage.


I was surprised to say the least that my brother had a girlfriend. He has a daughter and she is about julies age. He hasn't dated since Dianas mom died.

She died while giving birth to Diana. I am happy for him that he finally moved on. I was really happy to see my mom. And I was super excited to see my other family.

The drive wasn't long to my families house. We saw a lot of stuff on the way. We pulled into the big driveway. I forgot how big this house was. It was bigger than ronnies house. And her house is BIG.

My mom parked the car and got out along with the rest of us. Jughead helped my mom with the luggage. I grabbed my bag from him ad walked to the front door. I knocked and my dad answered it. His eyes lit up and he brought me into a big hug.

"Mommy move!" She yelled.

"Julie!" My dad exclaimed.

"Grandpa!!" She said. I moved out of the way so he could hug her. He picked her up and spun her around. I walked into the house and it hasn't changed at all.

Polly came out of the kitchen. She had her other set of twins. She and Jason now had four kids. She looked over and smiled at me. She walked over and handed me one of the twins.

"Betty its so good to see you." She said. I gave her a side hug while I had another Baby in my hand. Everyone else walked in and they sat down our bags.

My dad had julie in his hands. She jumped out of them when she saw polly. They were practically best friends. Polly handed me the other twins while she went over to hug julie.

"Wow jughead I haven't seen yo in a long time. You look good son." My dad said.

"Thank you Mr. cooper." Jughead said.

"Where is Dagwood and juniper?" I asked.

"They are out with Jason, he took them to their piano lessons." She replied.

"And how old are they again?" I asked.

"Eight in a few months." Polly said.

"Betty." Someone said. I turned my way and there was charles. I haven't seen him in so long. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug. It was really good to see everyone's familiar faces.

"Where's Diana." I asked.

"Oh she is in the kitchen with my girlfriend." He said.

"Why don't you bring them out here." I said.

"Ok be right back." He said Walking into the kitchen. I heard footsteps coming into the living room. I saw Diana and the devil herself.

"Claudia?!" Me and jughead both said.

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