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I got into my car and drove to Veronicas. Claudia was coming later on because she couldn't get out of work.

The drive wasn't that long. I pulled into a long driveway. Man this was a huge house. I saw a car behind me and pull in. I'm guessing that was Betty.

I got out and looked over at better. She was going to the back. Then she pulled out a kid. She has a kid?!

I went to the door and knocked. Archie answered the door. I gave him a hug and walked in. I went to sit down on the couch.

Betty soon came in but no kid. Maybe she was babysitting. She sat down next to me.

"Hi." She said.

"Hey." I said.

"Did you come with anyone." I asked her. Her eyes widened.

"Oh uh no alone. Totally alone. Did you?" She asked.

"No but claud is coming around seven." I said.

"Oh ok. Well I better go help Ronnie." She said. She got quick and ran into the kitchen. Weird. Archie came in and sat down.

"So jug how have you been. I heard that you moved here." Archie said.

"I've been pretty good. And yes I moved here with my girlfriend Claudia." I said.

"You have a girlfriend." He said.

"Yea is it a bad thing?" I asked.

"I mean since Betty." He said but was cut off by Veronica.

"No Jughead it isn't a bad thing. Why don't you take a look around. Archie in the kitchen now." Veronica said. Archie got up and got pulled into the kitchen. I got up and started to walk around.

I walked to one door and opened it. Three kids stood up and screamed.

"Mommy!!! Someone's here to kidnap us." A blonde one said. Veronica and Betty came in running.

"What's wrong?! Oh Jughead." Veronica said.

"Guys this is Jughead. Jughead this is Juliet, Abby and Carson." Veronica said pointing to all of them. Betty picked Juliet up and bounced her. Wow she looked a lot like Betty.

"Well it's time to eat come on guys." Betty said. Veronica picked up the two kids and we walked to the dining room. I sat down by Betty.

I kept an eye on Juliet. I wonder who was her dad. Then the doorbell ringed. Must be Claudia.

"Um I'll get." Betty said getting up. She walked over to the door and opened it. Claudia walked in and gave her a rude look. She smiled when she saw me.

"Juggie!!" She said. I got up and kissed her cheek. She sat next to me and started to eat.

"So you are Jughead girlfriend?" Archie asked.

"Oh yes. Im so sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Claudia. Me and juggie have been dating for two years." She said.

"Ok why doesn't everyone introduce themselves." Veronica said.

"I'm Betty and the blonde is my daughter Juliet." Betty said.

"I'm Archie and this is my wife Veronica. And our twins Carson and Abby." Archie said.

"Lovely. Betty and Veronica beautiful daughters you both have." Claud said.

"And Betty does Juliet have a father because your guys kid is just wow." She said.

"Yea mommy who is my daddy?" Juliet asked.

"He wasn't there for her." Betty said. Wow what a horrible man to leave her with a kid.

"Ah that's to bad." Claudia said. We all went back to silence and started eating.


This was the most awkward dinner ever. No one was talking and I couldn't stand Claudia.

I helped Veronica clean up. "V that was way to awkward." I said.

"I know right. I mean the suspense was building up when she asked you about Julie's dad." V said.

"Yea. Well I better get going before it's to late." I said. Ronnie hugged me and I walked to the play room. There Jughead was with the kids. He would have been a great dad.

"Julie time to go." I said.

"But mom jug was gonna show me his tattoo." She said.

"Baby it's time to go." I said.

"Fine." She said. I waved goodbye to all of them and picked up Julie. We walked out to the car and Claudia on the phone. I put Julie in the car and listened in on her conversation.

"Yes I know Jared. He doesn't know and he won't. Once he publishes this book I'm gonna get half of the profit. Then I can be home permanently. Tell the kids I love them." She said.

I got into the car and started it. Claudia started knocking on the window. I rolled it down and smiled.

"I know you were listening and you don't want to mess with me." She said.

"Look I would stop whatever you are doing. You can't keep hurting jug." I said.

"You can't tell me what to do. Plus why do you even care. Are you in love with him or something." She said. My face softened.

"You are in love with him. Well wake up because he wouldn't ever want someone like you." She said. She then slapped me.

"Don't hurt my mommy!" Julie said.

"I can do what I want you brat." She said. Jughead came out with a concerned look.

"Claudia why did you hit Betty?" Jughead asked.

"Because she is in love with you my boyfriend!" Claudia said.

"Now I'm not! Jug she is using you." I said.

"For what?" He asked.

"Your book. Jug she has a whole other family." I said.

"Prove it." Claudia said. I grabbed my phone and played the recording of her I guess talking to her husband.

"What the hell!" Jug said.

"Juggie wait!" Claudia said.

"Don't call me that. Please leave." He said.

"Whatever." She said walking away. Jughead ran his hands through his hair.

"Jug do you need a ride?" I asked him.

"No I'm fine. Can we meet up for lunch tomorrow though?" He asked. I nodded. He walked to his car and drive off. Wow what a night.

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