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I was probably gonna have to cancel lunch with jug. Julie would not stop crying. I tried everything. I grabbed my phone out of my Pocket and started to dial Cheryl's number. She was the best with kid.

Betty-Hey Cher. Can you maybe come over to watch julie?
Cheryl- Anything for my niece. Can I bring Toni?
Betty- Yes that would be awesome!
Cheryl- Ok be over in 15.

With that I hung up. I fell back on the couch and sighed. Maybe I wouldn't have to cancel lunch. I heard motion in Juliets room. I'm guessing she woke up from that small nap. I got up and walked into her room. She was standing up on the bed with tears.

"What's wrong honey?" I asked her. I walked over to her and sat down. I started rubbing her back as she layer her head on my lap.

"I had a bad dream. A monster tried to eat my feet!" She said crying.

"Aw, well if that monster comes again tell him that your mommy is gonna be their butt if they try and touch you." I said.

"Ok mommy." She giggled.

"Aunt Toni and Cher are coming over In a bit." I said. Then there was knock on the door. Guess that was the. Julie immediately got up and ran out of the room. I got up right after and followed her.

"Mommy open it!" She said. I nodded and unlocked the door. Cheryl smiled and strutted in placing her purse onto the counter. She picked up Julie and gave her a big hug. Toni came in after carrying a bag.

"Hey Betty. And hi little one." Toni said. Cheryl put her down and Julie ran into Tonis arms. I really loved the relationship they all had.

"Betty I have it from here." Cheryl said. I nodded and I went to grab my purse. I saw a text come across my phone and it was Jughead. Meet at rose cafe.


I sat at the table I had got for me and Betty. I was happy that we are getting to catch up. I heard the bell ring and I looked up. It was a certain blonde. Her smile vibrated all the way through the room. I got up and brought her into a hug. She stiffened up at first but then she hugged back.

"Hey jug." She said sitting down.

"Hi, so how have you been. I know I have already asked but really how are you." I asked her.

"You know I'm doing ok. Julie is a handful a lot of the time but I love her. How about you." She said.

"After stuff ended. A lot of things went down hill. I got kicked out of the serpents. But then one night I saw Claudia and she was that one thing that made me happy. Well that was until now." I said.

"Aw I'm sorry." She said. The waiter came and took our orders. We decided to share a pizza.

*two hours later*


They finished the pizza in no time flat. Betty and jughead had so much to say and talk about. They both knew down deep below that they stilled loved each other.

Jughead walked Betty home. They walked in a comfortable silence. Then they reached her door.

"Well I guess this is my stop, Goodbye jug." Betty said. She got on her tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. A slight blush came to his cheek. Betty walked in very satisfied. And for jughead well he was blushing like a mad dog after.

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