Lazy day

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I couldn't stop thinking about Betty. Every single second since the lunch she was in my head. I craved her face.

I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my phone and started to dial her number. She picked up immediately.

Betty- Hey jug.
Jughead- Can I come over?
Betty- Sure! You can help me pack up my last stuff.
Jughead- Awesome I'll be over in thirty.

I hung up and walked to my bed room. I got ready and headed to my car. I couldn't wait to see her.


I heard a knock and I went to the door. Must be jug. I opened it and saw the charming smile. He walked in and placed his stuff on the counter.

"Wow you have a lot packed up." He said.

"Yea, I've gotten a lot done in the last day. Julie has been staying with Toni and Cheryl." I said.

"Wait Toni is still with Cheryl? She stopped talking to me after you know." He said.

"Yea they are married and I think they are looking to adopt. They are both so good with Julie." I said.

"That's good." Jug said. I walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine.

"Want some?" I asked him. He nodded. I walked to the cabinet and pulled out two glasses. I placed them on the counter and poured the wine. I picked them up and handed one to jug.

He took it and sat down on the couch. I went to sit down next to him.

"So what should we do?" I asked him.

"Drink wine and talk?" He said.

"Sounds fun." I laughed.


"I want mommy!" Julie yelled. I tried calming her down but she wouldn't budge.

"Julie mommy is doing stuff right now." I said. Toni came in and picked her up. Julie cried into her shoulder. She must be sick or something.

"Toni I'm gonna go get the thermometer." I said. She nodded and sat down on the couch. I walked in the kitchen and pulled out the medicine basket.

I got the thermometer and walked back into the room. Toni set Juliet down. I put it against her head and pulled it away. She had a fever of 102. I have to call Betty.


We were silent for a good time staring at each other. We both started to lean in but then my phone ringed. It was Cher.

"It's Cheryl. I'm gonna go answer this." I said. He nodded and j walked into my room.

Cher- Betty! Julie has a fever of 102.
Betty- Wait what?! I'll be over with Jughead soon.
Cher-Wait you are with Jughead?
Betty- I think we were about to kiss but then you called.
Cher- Well forget it. Stay home with him we will take care of her.
Betty- No I'm coming over.
Cher- Betty we have got it. She is napping now. No need to come over.
Betty- I'm coming-
Cher- Nope goodbye. Have fun with "friend".

Cheryl sometimes is to much but I love her. I ran my hands the rough my hair. Jughead came in and sat by me.

"I know you told me not to come in but you sounded concerned." He said.

"No jug it's fine. Julie has a fever and I said I would come over but Cheryl insisted on taking care of her." I said.

"Oh I'm sorry." He said.

"Nothing you need to apologize about. How about we go watch a movie." I said.

"How about titanic?" He said.

"You like that movie?!" I said.

"No I just know you love that movie." He said.

"How did you know?" I said.

"Back in high school when you spent the night at my house we would always watch titanic and. Never mind." He said.

"And what." I asked.

"Cuddle." He mumbled.

"Oh. Well let's go watch the movie." I said. I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the living room. I went to the pantry and grabbed popcorn. Jughead pulled some blankets out. I went over to the couch and turned on the tv. Jughead sat on the other end and pulled a blanket over him.

I turned on the movie and kept glancing over at him. I glanced over at him again and he smirked.

"Betty you can sit with me. We can do it as friends." He said. I gladly accepted and crawled over to him. He put his arms around me and he pulled the blanket over us. I soon dozed off.


I unlocked Bettys apartment door and soaked in. I glanced over at the tv and it was on. I then Looked on the couch there the two "friends" were asleep in each other's arms.

This was bull crap. But my ship is sailing after three years. I pulled my phone out and started taking pictures. I then sent it to the group chat Betty doesn't know about. It was called bughead.

Ronnie- *attachment five photos*
Cherry- Holy.
Kevin- YESSS.
Fangs- Omg yes.
Toni- They are totally just friends 😂.
Archie- Yes.

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