The move

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"Veronica he asked me to move in with him." I said.

"What's so wrong about it. Don't you want to move a step into the relationship." She asked.

"Yea but I just don't want to leave you, my dear bestie, the aunt of my child." I said.

"Shut up now. You are moving in with and that's final." She said.

"Ughh fine I'll tell him." I said. I got up and went to the living room to call Jughead. I started to dial his number.

Jughead- Hey Betty.
Betty- Jug hey. I have an answer for and it is yes.
Jughead- Really?!
Betty- Ok me and julie will be over in a bit.

He hung up and fell back into the couch. I don't know what Julie would think about it. But I think she would be happy because she would get to see jug everyday.

Julie came running over to and sat down next to me. I pulled her into my lap and showed a picture of jugheads apartment. She looked at me confused.

"Mommy what is this?" She asked me.

"It's dads apartment." I said.

"Are we moving there?' She asked.

"Possibly, how would you feel about it though?" I asked her.

"I would like. I get to see daddy every day." She cheered.

"Then its official. Why don't you go upstairs and get changed. We can go to dads apartment and look around." She nodded and got up running upstairs. I followed behind her so I could get changed as well.

I got up the stairs and into my room. I was kinda sad of leaving Veronica but now that I have jug I'll be happy. I grabbed some pants and a shirt from my drawers and threw it on.

I walked into julies and she putting on her shoes. She had a good choice in fashion for a young one. She looked up and smiled at me. I grabbed her hand and we went back downstairs.

"Mommy are we spending the night tonight?" She asked.

"I mean I can call dad and ask him. Why don't  you pack a bag just in case." I said.

"Mommy I'm always prepared." She said holding up bag. She is a smart one. I giggled at her statement. She put the bag back on her back and walked into the kitchen.. i followed her and there was Veronica making food.

"Man julie you're popping off  today." Veronica said.

"I know auntie V. Mommy we might get to spend the night at daddy's tonight!" She exclaimed.

"Good. Well y'all have fun. I have to attend a meeting." Veronica said hugging julie. She came over and pulled into a hug. She walked with her coffee in one hand and her computer in the other.

"Ok Julie you ready." I asked her. She nodded and we started  to make our way o the car. I strapped julie into the car and got in myself.


I started cleaning up a little for julie and Betty because was apartment was trashed. Ive been spending the last week at Veronicas, so i haven't been able to clean up.

I got the guest bed ready for julie. I heard a knock and i rushed to the door. I opened it and it was my two favorite people. The came in and i gave Betty a quick peck on the lips.

"Ewwww." Julie face gagged. Both of burst into laughter. She put her bag down and started walking around. I pulled Betty into a longer lasting kiss

"Daddy where am i sleeping." She asked. I pointed over to the door and she walked over to open it. We walked in behind her and she looked around.

"Hey don't you get while me and mommy make dinner." Jughead said. She nodded and pulled out her iPad. Me and Betty walked out and sat down.

"What type of wine do you want?" I asked.

"White." She said. I went to the fridge and pulled out the bottle. I grabbed glasses fr us and started pouring. Betty was on her phone and sh rolled her eyes.

"Betty is something wrong?" I asked her.

"Yes." She said. She put up her phone and it was a picture of us making out. I looked at her confused. Then she pointed to the caption.

'My wife cheated on me with an ex gang leader'

"Bettys whats so wrong about it." I asked her.

"The=at was the ex calling me his wife." She said.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I said.

"It s fine jug. It's not even your fault." She said. I nodded and handed her the wine. She sipped it own fast. Julie came out and sat on the couch.

"Julie what do you want for dinner." I asked her.

"Chick fa la!" She yelled.

"Julie no." Betty said.

"Mommy why?" She asked.

"Betts why don't you lay down. Ill get us chick fa la." I said.

"Jug no." She said.

"Please go lay down, you look like you don't feel good." I said.

"Oh ok." She said.

"Julie we will go soon. I'm gonna help mom to bed." I said. She nodded and looked back at her ipad. I gave Betty a hand and we started to walk to my bedroom. She laid down in bed and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Well be back soon." I said. She closed her eyes and i left. I went out to the living room and grabbed julie. We made our way to the car.

*time skip back home*

I placed the food on the counter and gave julie hers. She took it and went to sit down. I walked in the bedrooms and Betty was asleep. She looked so peaceful.

"Betty do you want to eat?" I asked her.

"Sure." She mumbled.she got up and followed me out to the kitchen. I handed her the food and she went to sit by julie. I grabbed mine and went to sit with them.


My head was pounding but i was starving. Thank gosh jug got food. I ate my food slowly as the two sucked in there food. Julie is definitely a food girl.

"Mommy I'm done!" She said.

"Ok baby, can you go get changed into pj's. Me and daddy will be in soon. She walked into the room and closed the door. I helped jughead pick up the food.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

"A bit. I maybe want some pain meds." I said. He nodded. We put the last of the food in the trash and made our way to julies room. She was in bed waiting for us.

"Goodnight honey." I said. I issued her head and jug gave her a hug. I tucked her in and turned off the light. We walked back to the room and started getting ready for bed.

You can wear one of my shirts." He said. He grabbed his huge tshirt and handed it to me. I took off my shirt and pulled it over. He got into bed and pulled me to him.

"Goodnight, i love you." He mumbled.

"Goodnight jug." I said

(Sorry for not updating. This story is getting really bad but is coming to an end so i get to start on a new one. This is also really rushed so feel free to say anything)

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