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"Claudia what the hell are you doing here." Betty said.

"What do you mean. This is my boyfriend." She smirked. Everyone was looking at us. They had no clue what was going on. But me and Betty sure as hell did.

"What s going on here." Charles asked.

"This is jughead, my ex." Claudia said.

"Oh its not that deep. You act like its the end of the world." Charles said. Claudia smiled deviously and walked to the other room. Charles followed behind her.

"Ok well since that's out of the way how about we show you to you guys rooms." Alice said. We all nodded and picked up our stuff. We walked out of the dining room and into the main entry way.

We followed Alice up the big set of stairs. We arrived into a hallway. She opened one door and it was a pink decorated room with toys.

"Here you go honey." Alice said. Betty took julies luggage from me and set it in the room. Julie went in and shut the door. Alice started walking down the hall to another set of stairs. And up those stairs was a door.

"Just up there is your room. Dinner will be ready at 7." She said walking away. Betty and me both took our bags and made our way up the stairs.

She opened the door to reveal a big room with a balcony. It also had a big bathroom. And was it nice. Betty sat down or luggage and went to the bed.

"Jug can I talk to you?" She asked sitting down. I nodded and went to sit down next to her.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked.

"Are you cheating on me?" She asked. I looked at her with a blank expression. Why would I ever cheat on her. I would never do that. She was the mother of my child. And I loved her so much.

"Betty, how could I ever cheat on you. I don't think I have the gut to do that. And if I did I don't know what I would do with myself ." I said.

"Well I couldn't help but look at your phone. You were texting a girl and so I looked at it when you were in the bathroom. I saw the texts between you two. She was sending you Pictures." She cried.

"Betty. I don't know why she was messaging me but she was an old co worker. She all of sudden just started texting me non stop. I tried to block her but she kept trying to find way to message." I said.

"That doesn't explain the photos." She said.

"She would send me photos but I ignored them. The pictures of me were for something else but i don't remember." I said.

"Oh." She said quietly. I started to rub her back. I turned her head to me and wiped her tears away. A slight smile came across her face.

"I would never hurt you. I love you to much to do that." I said. I grabbed her cheek and brought her into a soft kiss. We pulled away while I caressed her cheek.

"I love you too." She said. That warmed my heart.

I got up and picked her up. I brought her to bed and laid her down gently. I crawled down next to her and pulled her close to me taking in her warm vanilla scent.


I woke up an looked around. I was in the room alone. I called out Jughead's name but no response.i got up and walked to the bathroom, it was empty.

The sun was setting so maybe they were eating dinner. I slipped on my shoes and walked dot the door. I walked down the flight of stairs and down the dark hallway. I reached julie's door and opened it. She wasn't there. They were definitely at dinner.

I weren't to the dining room and no one was there. Where were they. I didn't want go around the house so I decided to jughead.

Betty- Hey where are you?
Jughead- Oh betts, sorry I didn't leave you a message. Your parents are taking us our for dinner. Your dad burnt the chicken. I can get you some food.
Betty- Oh ok.
Jughead- Ok well we have to go bye.

The phone hung up. I guess ill just watch tv while they eat out. I really wish jughead was here so I could cuddle and watch a movie. I'm glad the text was false.

*4 hours later*

The front door opened to a bunch of laughter. They all piled in with roars of chattering. My dad has turned on the light and everyone looked at me.

"Oh it you." Claudia said.

"Claudia be nice." Charles whisper yelled. She oled her eyes at him. How could my brother have fallen for someone with such a small heart. Jughead came from behind all of them with his charming smile. He had a sleeping julie in his hands.

"Well I'm going to bed." I said.

"Good nights betts." My family said. Jughead waved goodbye to everyone and followed me. Julie had started to wake up which would men she would probably be up the rest of the night.

"Mommy? Where are we?" She asked yawning.

"You're home. Baby go back to sleep." I whispered. Jughead handed her to me and we went to her room. She was half awake. I set her down gently into the bed.

She had fallen back to sleep thankfully. I kissed her head and backed up so jughead could Do the same.

"How was dinner?" I asked him closing julies door.

"It was pretty good but the whole time Claudia was giving me heart eyes." He said.

"Well that's great." I said.

"I'm tired." He said.

We walked to our room and up the stairs. The room was completely dark and balcony was open. Which was really creepy. I looked at jughead with a worried look.

I turned on the light and jughead went over to close the door before more snow would come in.

"What could have opened the door?" I asked.

"Maybe it wasn't closed correctly and the wind opened it." He said.

"Probably lets just keep that door closed." I said.

"Man this room is cold." He shivered.

"My mom said there was a personal heater in here. It will probably warm up with in few minutes." I said. He wen over to turn it on. I grabbed some blankets from the trunk below our bed.

"I will keep you warm." He said.

I already had pajamas on so I got in bed before him. He slid off some of his clothes sand got into bed next to me. I pulled the three blankets over us. He pulled me to his chest and kissed my hair.

"Goodnight I love you." He said.

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