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We walked downstairs to say goodbye to Archie and Veronica. Both of the twins were crying.

"Mommy daddy please don't leave!" Abby cried. Archie and Veronica both looked at each other sad. Archie picked up Abby and smothered with kisses.

"Daddy stop it!" Abby giggled.

"Ok ok. We have to go. Goodbye you two." Archie said. Veronica was holding Carson. Abby was definitely a daddy's girl and Carson was definitely a mommy's boy.

Veronica both of them and they went out. Jughead was taking a nap with Julie so I had to handle the two crazy ones.

"Auntie can we eat dinner. Mommy said there chicken nuggets in the fridge." Carson said.

"Yea let's go." I said. They both grabbed onto my hand and we walked to the kitchen. I put them into the chairs and opened the fridge. I scanned over everything and saw them.

I pulled them out and set in the microwave. The twins started to get up. "Guys what are you doing?" I asked them. They shrugged and sat back down. The microwave beeped and a smile appeared on their faces.

"Chicken nuggets!" They both yelled.

"Guys shh. Julie and uncle jug are sleeping." I said.

"Sorry auntie I'm just really hungry."  Carson said.

I put the plates in front and they started eating away. "I'm going to check on them stay here ok? And if you do I'll give you ice cream." I said. Their smiles became big.

I walked away and started my way up the stairs. I heard someone talking. I walked over to julies room. There jug was kissing her forehead.

"Good night sunshine." He said. He ticked her in and shut of the light. He turned and saw me.

"Betts you scared me." He said. He came over and spun me over pulling me into a kiss. We started walking down the stairs in silent.

"Betty. What are we going to do about child care?" He asked.

"Well I could move in with you or you could move here. I mean Ronnie always said it was fine." I said.

"Ok I'll talk to them about it." He said.

"I'm gonna go to the bedroom." He said.

"Ok. I'll be up when I'm done putting the kids to bed." I said. He nodded and kissed my forehead. I walked downstairs to see the twins waiting patiently. I laughed at the sight.

"Auntie we have waiting for a long time. Can we have ice cream, Pleaseeee." Abby whined.

"Ok ok. Go watch your iPads for a minute and I'll bring it out." I said. They nodded and rushed over to the living room.


I walked over to the bedroom and closed it. Finally bed. I started to take of my pants and shirt. I put on some pajama bottoms and laid down in bed. I decided I would scroll through Instagram.

I clicked on betty's insta and started scrolling. I had scrolled all the way to the bottom and the first picture was me and her.

I heard the door and someone lay down. I turn over to my favorite blonde. She smiled and I kissed her nose.

"Hey." She said.

"Hi." I said. I grabbed my phone and showed her the photo. She yanked the phone out of my hand and looked at picture.

"Omg I remember this. It was our first date back in freshman." She said. The memory came straight to my head.


I waited in pops for my first date. I was very nervous. My heart was beating fast and my palms were sweating. I still had no idea how I scored a date with the prettiest girl of the school, well in my opinion.

Pops made his way over. He saw the nervous look on my face, so he sat down across from me. I looked up at him.

"What's wrong Jughead?" Pops asked.

"Well I have my first date with this stunning girl and I'm so nervous." I said.

"Jughead don't be nervous. Just be yourself and if she doesn't like them it's her loss." He said. I heard the bell. I turned my head and it was the famous Betty cooper. Pops got up  and walked back into the kitchen.

Betty ponytail swung back in fourth as she walked to the table. She say across from and smiled the whole time.

"Hi Jughead." She said.

"Hey Betty." I said.

"Are you ok, you look flustered." She said.

"Oh no I'm fine just a bit nervous." I said finally getting it out.

"Oh jug no need to be nervous. It's our first date I see how it is." She said.

"Ok." I said. Pops came over with our menus.

"What can I get you guys to drink?" He asked.

"I'll take a vanilla milkshake please." Betty said.

"Of course and for you Jughead?" Pops asked.

"My regular?" I said. He nodded and placed down the menus. He walked away and into the kitchen. Betty picked up her menu and started reading it. I already knew what I wanted.

"You come here a lot?" Betty asked.

"Uh Yea. Practically everyday. I come after school to write and I usually order a milkshake and fries sometimes a burger." I said.

"Nice. My mom doesn't really want me eating here a lot but she doesn't know." Betty laughed. Pops came back with our milkshakes.

I was starting to get comfortable and not as nervous. We sat in silence for a good ten minutes till our food came out.

As always I shoveled my food even before she could finish her fries. Her eyes became wide and she burst out laughing.

"Man you eat so much." She said.

"Yes I have a big appetite." I chuckled. That night was filled with so many laughs and deep conversations. It was the first time I could feel myself.

"Present time"

"Jug, Jughead! Jughead!" Betty yelled. I snapped back into the real world and looked at Betty calling my name.

"Oh sorry is laced out. I was thinking about our first date." I said.

"Right that was fun times." She said.

"How about I take you on one on Friday night." I said.

"I would love that." She said. I gave her a kiss on the lips and pulled her close to me. I feel asleep peacefully.

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