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"Betty Wake up." Someone said. I sat up slowly and looked up. It was my sister Polly. She had her two twins in her hands. She looked really worn out.

"Polly do you need me to take one of them?" I asked her making my way over to her.

"Oh no I'm fine. Jason supposed to drop them off at the nanny's today, so we can spend the day together." She said.

"Well that sounds fun. Have you seen jughead?" I asked.

"Yeah they are downstairs eating. Mom sent me up here to get you." She said.

"Oh ok well you can go, I'll be down in a second." I said. She nodded and went out the door. I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I got to the dining room and everyone was sitting. Jughead had an open seat next to him so I decided to sit by him. Just as I was going to sit down someone stopped me.

"Betty claudia is sitting there." My mom stated. I looked down at jughead for something but he shrugged and went back to eating. Oh how badly I wanted to him.

"Ah Betty could you move. I need to sit down." Claudia said. I rolled my eyes and went over to julie. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she pouted.

"Leave me alone!" She yelled.

"Julie whats your problem." I asked her. She didn't respond. I grabbed some food and started to eat. Everyone was awfully quiet. I got stares from every family member.


Betty was still asleep so I decoded to go downstairs. The sun was still rising so I wasn't going to be surprised if no one was up. I walked down the dark hallway and down the stairs. The common room was lightly lit by a candle.

I walked into the living room and saw that the tv was already on. I sat down and sat claudia watching tv. She smiled at me. Wha was she up to.

"Hi juggiekins." She said.

"Don't call me that. We aren't dating and I don't want to talk to you." I said.

"Well you're talking to me now. Is Betty brain washing you or something. You are different from back then. Way more serious.' She said. I ignored and snatched the remote out of her hand.

"You know I over heard Betty talking to a male voice in her room. She sounded very flirtatious. Almost like she is cheating, huh?" She said."

"I get it jughead. You don't want to talk to me. But I know Betty is bad news." She said.

"Claudia just shut the hell up. You are bad news. Why are you even watch charles you have a whole family." I yelled at her.

"Look I don't like this family at all. I'm just out there for the money." Claudia stated.

"Just you wait till I tell Alice." I said.

"Nuh uh uh. Stop right there. You're not going to tell Alice or else I'll pay a special visit to your little Juliet. She would rally nice in a body cast right." She smiled.

"You're sick." I said getting up. I threw the remote at her and made my way to the kitchen. I wish someone could've hurt that. I walked into the kitchen and there stood Alice with coffee.

"Oh hey jughead. I didn't notice you there." Alice said. She put her AirPod back in and walked out. Great just great. I grabbed the pot and poured my cup of coffee.

I heard steps in the dining room. I peeked my head in and there was julie. She was playing with juniper and Dagwood.she looked up at me and smiled.

"Hi daddy." She said running up to me. I knelt and gave her a hug. I waved at the twins and they waved back.

"Where's mommy?" Julie asked.

"She's sleeping. You can see her when she wakes up." I said.

"Ok well I'm go to play bye." She said running away. The twins went after her. I didn't want anyone to hurt her. And if someone did that would be the absolute end of them.

I walked back into the living room and claudia was gone. Now I can watch my show. I grabbed the remote and switched on my series I had started watching.

One by one almost everyone was down stairs. Charles was watching the show with me and the girls were in the kitchen making breakfast. Only one hadn't come down and that was Betty. I wanted to check on her but I didn't want to disturb her in her sleep.

"So jughead, how are you and Betty? When did you guys get back together?" Charles asked.

"Well me and claudia were moving to New York and Veronica invited us over for dinner. Well we broke up there for reasons that I can't say. Me and Betty started hanging out more and more. She finally told me julie was my daughter nad that's when we got together." I said.

"Oh wow. That's great for you guys." Charles said.

"Breakfast is ready boys." Alice said. Me and charles both got up and made our way to the dining room. I placed my plate on a mat and went to help julie. I put food on her plate and went back to my seat. Claudia had put her plate next to me, great.

We all started to eat then a blonde beauty had come through the door. I smiled at her. Sh came over to my seat but I couldn't move the plate. How badlyI wanted to though.

"Betty claudia Is sitting there." Alice said. Betty rolled her eyes and went over to julie. She started fussing when Betty had kissed her on he cheek.

"Julie whats your problem." She whispered to her. Julie didn't answer. Everyone continued to stare at her. She grabbed her food and we all sat in silence.

Breakfast was done so I decided to go to our room. I made the trip up the millions of stares and arrived. Betty was in the bed with tears in her eyes.

I rushed over to her and sat down next to her. I pulled her to my chest as she cried into my chest. She hugged my waist. I kissed her hair.

"Betty whats wrong." I asked her softly.

"Why is everyone being so mean. I offered to help with dishes and my mom snapped at me. What the hell do I do wrong. And julie was being bossy." She cried.

"Betty julie is always bossy. And I don't know what to say about your mom but nothing is wrong maybe they are just in a mood." I consulted her.

"Thanks. Maybe we can go do some stuff in town today?" She asked.

"Yea that would sound fun. We ca get out of the house and take Julie some places." I said.

'There is this really nice boutique that she loves to go to when we come here." Betty exclaimed.

"Ok you go get her dressed and we can start going." I said.

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