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It has finally been two weeks and we can get back home. I'm gonna miss Polly and them but I just want to get back to reality and not be stuck in a house constantly with the witch.

I rolled my bag down the hallway and knocked on Juliets door to see if she was ready.

"Yeah mommy?" She asked.

"Is your suitcase? I just need it to take it down." I said. She opened the door and handed me her stuff.

I grabbed of our things and started down the stairs. My dad took them from my hands and put them at the door.

"Well betty this trip always goes by to fast." My dad said bringing me into a hug.

"And again I'm really sorry your mom couldn't be here, something looking for cakes with Charles and Claudia." My dad said. I looked at him confused. Why in the world would my mom being looking for cakes?

"It's fine. But at least I don't have to pay for another Uber." I said.

"You know you could have used my car, I was off work the entire time you're here." He said.

"Well you could have told me sooner." I laughed. Juliet entered the room and hugged my dads leg.

"And I'm gonna miss you a lot too kiddo." He said picking her up. He kissed her on the cheek and propped her down.

"Well shall we get going. The airport is brutal at this hour." My dad said. I nodded and I grabbed my bag along with Julie grabbing her.

He wheeled out our luggage and propped them into the trunk. I set Julie in the booster and she buckled herself up.

I got into the front and my dad started our way to the airport.


I made my way to the apartment door. It had been a while since I've been here. I felt really bad about what I did to Betty I don't know even know what came over me. Then my phone started to ring.

It was Betty. I slowly picked and out the phone to my ear.

"Daddy! Why do I just see your ear?" Julie said. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"Sorry hunny I thought you were calling me. Where are you right now?" I asked her.

"Well I'm in the car and on the way to the airport with granpa and mommy!" Julie said. I smiled at her.

"Baby you need to get off the phone, tell your dad bye." Betty said.

I could hear I slight tone of pain in her voice as she told Julie that.

"But mommy!!" Julie said.

"Not buts tell your dad bye and give me my phone." Betty said. Her tone was more angry now.

With that she hung up. I opened the door to my apartment and put my phone in my pocket. It felt good to be home.


I was a bit pissed off that Julie called Jughead. I really didn't hear his voice. Julie handed me my phone after she hung up. She had a small frown on her face.

"Turn that frown upside down." My dad said. She started to giggle.

My dad stopped the car at our gate entrance spot and so did I. I went to get julie out while my dad got the luggage.

This was it. We were finally leaving. My dad handed us our bags and pulled me into a big hug.

"I'm gonna miss you Betty, I'm so sorry for the way we treated you." My dad said in my shoulder.

"Daddy it's fine, it just kinda hurt because you believed me your daughter over someone you barely know." I said.

"I know I know and I'm going to talk to your mother about it. But for now you and Jughead need to rekindle anything you broke." My dad said.

I pulled away and looked at him confused. "What do you mean dad?" I asked him.

"Hun I know all about Charles fiancé's plan. Even Charles know. Not so much your mother, it's like she is brain washed. But we are going to confront her don't you worry." My dad said. I nodded and pulled into a hug one last time.

"Good luck with your flight girls." My dad said heading to the car.

Julie and me waved as he drove off. I placed her down and she grabbed her bags.

"Ready juls." I asked. She nodded and we made our way in the airport.

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