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The weekend had finally come. I was super excited but skeptical. I was wondering how julie was going to do on a long plane ride. She would probably sleep. But I was nervous about Jughead, my family wasn't so fond of jug after what he did.

I had barely got any sleep due to julie not going to sleep. She was usually pretty easy tot put to bed but last night she wasn't being easy.

The bright light had awoken me. Jughead had turned it on. I looked at him and gave him a slight smile. He walked back into the bathroom and closed the door. Time to get the drama queen up.

I got up and out of bed not knowing what was I was coming into. I walked to julies room and turned on the light. She moved around a little but went back into her spot.

I walked to her and gently shoo her. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around. She sat up and stretched. I reached over and gave her a small hug.

"Are you excited to see grandma?" I asked her.

"Yes." She said.

"Ok well why dont you get changed and after go to the living room. Your ipad is out there so you can watch some Disney." I said. She nodded and I got up to walk out. She wasn't as bad as I though she would be. I walked into our bathroom and jughead was brushing his teeth. He came over and gave me a hug.

"Hey Betty." He said quietly.

"Hey." I said.

"Did yo get julie ready?" He asked me.

"Yes she is getting dressed. So now I have extra time to do my makeup." I said.

"You and your makeup." He chuckled.

"Yup, well I better start getting ready. Can you get the bags ready since you're ready." I asked. He nodded and kissed my cheek. With that he walked out. Now its time to do my makeup.

I walked out nad Jughead was sitting down next julie while she watched her Ipad. We still dint have to leave for. Fifteen minutes so I decided to sit down next to me.

Jug pulled down and into his embrace. Julie looked at s with a disgusted face. "Eww mommy and daddy, gross." She said pointing out her tongue.

"One day you will find love." Jughead said.

"No I'm going to be an independent women. I dont need no man telling me what to do." She said.

"Wow. You know a lot of stuff for a three year old." He chuckled.

She shrugged and went back to her Ipad. I decided it would be a good time to check my social media. I looked my dms and that anonymous user had been banned. They hadn't messaged me since I got it jug.

I saw I had a request. I opened it and it was another account fo them. I slid it to opened it and it was a simple message. Hello Betty. Creepy.

"Betts who is that?" Jughead asked.

"I don't know. And don't worry about it, its just a random person." I reassured I'm.

"Oh ok. Well lets start getting to the car." He said. I nodded and stated to get up. I turned off julies Ipad and grabbed it out of her hands. She shot me a glare.

"Julie you can have it on the plane." I told her.

"Fine." She pouted. Jughead helped her up and we started to head to the door. I had my backpack with me and julies stuff. I also had hers and my suit case. Jug had all his stuff too.

"Bye bye house." Julie said.

"We will be back in two weeks. But we will have fun right." I asked her.

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