Going home

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Jughead was finally released from the hospital after two weeks. They said his memories could come back at any time.

"Jughead this your room. Mine is across the hall if you need anything." I said.

"Wait Betty, if you are my so called girlfriend then why are you sleeping in a different room? Isn't  that like a girlfriend boyfriend thing to do is to sleep with each other." He asked.

I mean he wasn't wrong but I just thought he would want to sleep by himself.

"Oh yeah but I just wanted you to feel comfortable." I Said.

"Sleep with me tonight and if I feel uncomfortable I'll just tell you to leave." He said. That kinda hurt.

"Oh ok. Let me just put Juliet to bed." I said leaving. Juliet was laying in bed watching some movie. I shook her and she looked up.

"Time for bed honey." I said. Juliet handed me her iPad and headphones and got herself situated in bed.

"Goodnight mommy." She said. I kissed her head and turned out the light. I went to our room to see Jughead already in bed. He was switching through channels on the tv.

"Hey Betty." He said looking ne up and down.

"I'm just going to get ready for bed, do what ever you need to do." I said going into the bathroom. I locked the door and went over to the closet.

I grabbed my pajamas and slipped them on. I walked into the room and Jughead was already passed out.

I walked into the room and sat on the bed. I felt the bed shift and saw Jughead facing me asleep. I couldn't help but smile.

I got under the covers and laid down. It felt surreal laying next to him. I pulled the covers up and got myself situated.

One of his hands went around my waist and he pulled me closer.

"Goodnight Betty." He said sleepily. With that we fell asleep in each others arm.


I woke up to the sun beaming on my face. I looked over to see Betty and her blonde locks in her face. She was so beautiful, I felt so bad for not being able to remember her.

I got up and went to the the kitchen. My I'm guessing daughter was sitting on one of the stools.

"Daddy do you remember me?" She asked turning around.

"No honey." I said looking at her sadly. Her lips started to quiver and tears poured down her face.

"Please don't talk to me anymore." She said running away crying. I started to run after her but she had slammed the door.

I looked behind me to see Betty. Tears were brimming my eyes. Why couldn't I just remember?

"Betty I just want to remember you and Juliet but I can't." I said wiping away my tears. Betty came over and pulled me into a hug.

"It's going to be ok Jug. We will get through this." She said.

"Hey honey can you please come out." Betty said against the door. She slowly opened it to reveal Juliet lying on her bed crying.

"Mommy did I make Jughead cry?" She said. Betty's face had dissatisfaction on it.

"Juliet he isn't Jughead he is your dad." Betty said.

"But he doesn't remember therefore he isn't my dad." Juliet said crossing her arms.

"Juliet please forgive me. I'm really trying." I said.

"Fine." She said. She ran over to me and gave me a hug at my legs.

"How abut we go out and get some chick fa la along with the park. Except daddy will take you." Betty said.

"Yay! Let's go." Juliet said skipping out of the room. I chuckled and left the room. I really didn't know if I could drive so I chose the next best thing, Uber.

Me and Juliet both got into the car and the driver turned. It was a girl and her eyes widened.

"Jughead?" The driver exclaimed.

"Do I know you?" I asked her. Her faced dropped.

"Jellybean? Your sister. Who's this little cutie with you." She asked.

"My daddy lost his memories so he may not remember." Juliet said.

"So I have a niece?" Jellybean questioned.

"I guess so. Do you want to join us for the park?" Juliet asked. Jellybean happily nodded.

Jellybean drive us to the chick fa la near by and to a park do we could eat.

We found a park bench and we all sat down. I didn't know what to say so I just kept it silent.

"Soo how are y'all doing." Jellybean asked.


It was around eight when Jughead and Juliet had come back. They come in laughing and talking. It was a good sight.

"How was y'all's day?" I asked.

"Mommy it was so fun. I meant my aunt jelly and daddy told me all about their childhood." Juliet exclaimed.

"You got back some of your memories?!" I asked. Jughead nodded and set down something.

"It was very little but I can remember some things." Jughead said.

"That's great!" I said. I picked Juliet up and brought her to her room. Jughead followed behind me.

"Goodnight mommy and daddy." Juliet said pulling the covers over her. We both kissed her head and walked out.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked. I nodded and he grabbed a disc and put in in.

I got a blanket and got cosy. Jughead came from the kitchen with a drink and a bowl of something. He sat down next to me and he turned on the tv.

"Want some?" He asked handing the bowl of popcorn to me. I took a few handfuls and passed it back.

Jughead grabbed my waist and pulled my closer in. I pulled the blanket over us.

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