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My eyes fluttered open and there was Veronica taking pictures. I soon then realized I fell asleep in Jughead's arms. I quickly got up and pushed Veronica into my room.

"V? What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Well I came to get some of your boxes and I saw you and Jughead. So I decided to take pictures. You can not tell me you guys are just friends." Veronica said.

"That's all we are." I said.

"Sure. But you can't admit that you don't have have feeling for him." V said.

"I do but I can't." I said.

"Betty it's fine. But if you do tell him you can raise Julie together." Veronica said.

"V I'm not going to Jughead that he is Juliet's father." I said. Veronica's eyes widen. I turn my head to see a sleepy Jughead. His eyes are soft.

"I am- juliet's father?" He stuttered out. He started to walk out but I went after him. I grabbed his shoulder and he turned around.

"Betty please. I need a moment." He said. Tears started to brim my eyes and he slammed the door. Well I ruined whatever we had. Veronica came out and brought me into a hug. I cried into her shoulder as she rubbed my back.

"Betty it's gonna be fine. He just needs time to take it in." She said.

" I know." I said.

"Do you still want to move in today?"She asked. I nodded. We both got up and grabbed the last of the boxes. My big pieces of furniture were going into storage. I closed the door and we walked to my car. Veronica put some in hers and I put some in mine.


I drove home trying to process everything that just happened. Of course I want to help Betty raise this kid but I wish she would have told me. I missed out on three years on my child's life.

I arrived home and set my keys on the counter. I went to the fridge and pulled out a beer. I really shouldn't be drinking. But this is gonna grieve pain.

After six beers I couldn't feel myself. I took it way to far. I grabbed my phone and stated to dial Betty's number. She picked up fast.

Jug- Hey Betty boo~
Betty- Are you ok jug?
Jug- I'm more than ok but you are not. You decided not to tell me that you have my child. Shame on you.
Betty- Fine. Is that how we are going to play it. I was on my way to tell you but you dumped me. That is your own fault.
Jug- How? I could take way better care of Julia.
Betty- You don't even know her name. Go to hell.

With that she hung up. I had no idea what mess I had caused. Before I knew it I was face down on the floor asleep.


I hung up the phone and stormed into the kitchen where Ronnie was drinking wine. She looked at me with a confused look.

"B what's wrong?" She asked.

"Jughead called and told me that he could have raised Julie better. He even said Julie's name wrong!"

Veronica got up and placed her wine down. She grabbed me hand and dragged me into the garage.

"Get in." She said.

"What." I said.

"Betty no questions get in." She said. I nodded and got in the passenger. Veronica got in and started driving somewhere.

We arrived at a apartment building and we both got out. "V where are we?" I asked her.

"You will see." She said. We started to walk up a flight of stairs. We then arrived at a door. Veronica unlocked it and it revealed a passed out Jughead.

"Jughead!" I said running up to him. He smelt like alcohol.

"Just as I thought." V said.

"What?!" I said.

"He was drunk. Betty he didn't mean anything." She said.

"Oh." I said.

"V you can go. I'll stay and take care of him." I said.

"Ok b bye!" She said. She slammed the door and locked it. Jughead started to stir. His eyes came open and he looked around.

"Betty? What's going on?" He asked.

"I'll tell you in the morning. You go to bed. I'm gonna sleep on the couch." I said.

"No I'm sleeping on the couch." He said.

"Jughead no. I'm sleeping the couch and that's final." I said.

"Sleep in the bed with me. I don't want you on the couch." He said. My eyes widened and I nodded. We walked to his room and he pulled out a shirt.

"Here you can sleep in this." He said. I took the shirt and went into the bathroom. I slid my clothes off and put the shirt on.

I came out and saw Jughead in bed. I went to the other side and got in. I felt hands wrap around my waist and pull me closer.

"Goodnight Betts." He said kissing my head.

"Goodnight." I said. I was screaming on the inside. This is all I wanted.

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