Chapter 28 Getting Ready

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"Code Elemental! We got a code Elemental downtown!"

Police sirens filled the night air. Red and blue flashed through the streets until they came to a screeching hault at the sight. A large truck was a blaze in the center of a crosswalk. Chunks of pavement and glass was scattered all over the ground. Civilians were resting outside of their homes, which were now scorched from a previous fire. The commissioner hopped out of his vehicle. He watched as firefighters were hosing down the truck's flames. The older man turned his attention to his deputies, who were already starting to question the civilians. He stormed over to them.

"So, brightly colored ninja saved you from the fire?" Deputy Tommy questioned as Deputy Simon jot down the information on his notepad.

"Yes, and they were elementals. The white one put out the fire with his ice powers while the others helped me and my family out of the chaos," one lady spoke happily while hugging her two children. She was still in her bathrobe, which was singed at the ends.

"What about the others? Did they show any powers?" Tommy continued. The lady gave a shrug, but an older gentleman stepped in.

"I saw a black ninja on the ground. It looked like he had a ton of rocks covering him at some point," he spoke roughly while holding up his cane.

"Could be the Master of Earth?" Simon mumbled to his partner.

"Thank you all. If there are any injuries, ambulances will be here shortly," Tommy announced before other police officers guided the citizens further away from the flaming truck.

"So, some of the elemental masters saved the citizens and put out the fires?" the commissioner spoke up once the civilians were out of ear shot.

"That's what their saying, yes, but no one knows how the fire started. They also said that the Ice Master and Earth Master were here. Could those teens be standing up against the gang?" Simon questioned, tapping his pencil against his chin.

"Maybe they were just cleaning up their mess..." Tommy complained, looking at the dying flames.

"But, why save the people? It seems like that would going the extra mile for people that's suppose to be gang members."

"Hey, which side are you on?" Tommy protested towards his red haired partner.

"I'm just saying, maybe there are elemental masters out there who are trying to stop the gang like us? The citizens did say they were dressed in bright colored ninja suits. That definitely doesn't match any gang member description," Simon answered with hands up in defense. The commissioner let out a tired sigh while scratching his bushy mustache.

"I hope your right, Simon. Whatever happened here, though, we can't take any chances. This could have been a trick. I'll have officers check out the street cams for any clues. However, until all this is settled, every elemental master is to still be locked up, understood?" he asked his deputies. The two men glanced between themselves and their commissioner.

"Yes, sir," they said in unison before walking away to help their fellow officers.

Not too far away, a shadowy figure kneeled on top of a roof. She placed a finger over the ear piece she wore and silently spoke.

"Did you pass the information to our little phantom?" Harumi asked curiously.

"Yes, oooo you should have seen the look on her face when I was about to destroy her with her own weapon! It was priceless! Haha!" Master Chen cackled over the ear piece.

"You weren't suppose to kill her, you know? How else was she going to pass on the information to her ninja pals if she's dead?!" the Quiet One snapped angrily.

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