Chapter 24 Training till you Drop

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"Seliel! Wake up or else you'll be late!" A voice called out through the wall. A lump of pink hair groaned from underneath bed covers. The door to her room opened to reveal an older man with thinning maroon hair.
"You feeling better, sweetie?" Seliel's dad asked as he walked over to the bed. Seliel sat up begrudgingly before letting out a yawn.

"Yeah, thanks dad for letting me stay home yesterday. I... I wasn't really feeling great," Seliel stated as she hugged her knees. Her dad smiled warmly before rubbing his daughter's back.

"Well if you still don't feel good today, let me know. I gotta head out to work right now. I should be home before dinner," He said casually.

"Okay, bye dad," Seliel stated slowly. Her dad gave her a quick peck on her forehead before walking out of her room, closing the door behind him. Seliel then let out a sigh. She stayed home yesterday because she didn't want to face the ninja after everything that happened. The warrior wanted to be alone after she made that embarrassing promise to Cole: "I'm gonna stop that gang... on my own." She rubbed her eyes roughly while letting out a groan.

How exactly am I going to do that? Way to go, girl! You've just doomed yourself.

Seliel then turned to the little flip phone on her night stand. She reached for the small device. She had kept it off since the last text she sent Lloyd. Granted, her last text to him was out of anger, so she wondered if she was a tad harsh. She attempted to turn it back on when her mind flashed back to their words.

I don't need your callous attitude right now, Seliel.

Jay was the only one with the guts to call you out on it.

You're so stone cold, Seliel! And I'm sick of it!

Seliel flinched again at the memory. The words stung the young warrior. She then narrowed her gaze and put the phone down.

"I was right about those idiots. They're just like everyone else..." She mumbled angrily. The memory of Cole and her in the nurse's office then found its way to the front of her mind. She buried her face in her knees. "And I let myself fall for it again! Aarrgh! When am I gonna learn!?" She groaned in annoyance to herself. The memory of the nurse's office caused the young warrior to look down at her arm. She carefully rolled up the sleeve to see her still burnt arm. Seliel let out a defeated sigh.

I'll have to wait at least a few more weeks before I can even think of fighting any elementals again...

The sound of her alarm clock went off again before she slammed the button off. "Alright alright, I'll quit it with the pity party.." she grumbled, getting up.

It wasn't long before Seliel was out the door, walking towards her school. Her backpack rested loosely on her shoulders. She strolled down the sidewalk and passed by an electronic store. A small crowd of citizens surrouned the shop's window, where they displayed their Tvs. A bit of curiosity built up in the pink haired teen; she made her way through the wall of people. Seliel caught a glimpse of the Tvs only to let out a small gasp. Pictures of Cole, Jay, and Zane filled the screens.

Police still haven't found any whereabouts of these three Elemental Masters, but they were last seen with this woman who pretended to be Ninjago Highschool's substitute principal. If you have any information on any of these four, then please contact the Ninjago City's police department as soon as possible.

Seliel's pupils shrunk at the sight before stepping away.

They were discovered!? But... how? I...

Seliel then took in a deep breath.

Calm down, Seliel. They got away. Misako probably took them to where ever Lloyd and the others are. They're fine...

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