Chapter 35 Hope, A Sweet Dream

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The next morning after the dreaded ball, the police commissioner woke up with startling news. The elemental teens he had arrested last night were no longer in their holding cell. After asking around, he was informed that they were taken to Ninjago City's Max Security Prison. The mustached policeman nearly dropped his coffee mug at the news. He drove downtown towards City Hall. He rushed through the doors, pasting the secretary and several policemen still searching the area for any hints of the gang. The commissioner then marched into the mayor's office with an angered filled scowl.

"Mr. Mayor! Why have I just been informed that those kids were just sent to prison last night?!" the commissioner spat with gritted teeth.
The politician stared at the policeman with a blank gaze, surprised that he would barge in. Also, he wasn't alone. The royal family sat comfortably in chairs in front of his desk. Despite the commissioner being able to pass through the guards standing watch outside by throwing up his badge, the two guards inside held him back with spears.

"Are you talking about those elemental masters?" the king asked with a frown.

"You mean the ones that nearly executed me," the mayor replied with narrowed eyes.

"The ones we arrested weren't the ones who--"

"Who tried committing the execution, but they still were affiliated with them," the queen continued.

"So, that means they don't have a right to a fair trial? They're children for heaven's sake! And most of their charges were dropped! There's evidence that they--" the commissioner exclaimed, but he backed down once the king threw up his hand.

"These element wielding creatures have proven time and time again that they aren't human. Therefore, they don't deserve a trial. Having them be thrown into our highest security prison is the best way to ensure this city's safety," the king finished, staring daggers at the policeman.

"But they--"

"And didn't you say that all elemental masters need to be arrested to ensure everyone's protection?" the Jade Princess asked while tilting her head curiously.

"I only said that to--"

"And didn't everyone in this room agree that, by making elementals illegal, we're no longer viewing them as civilians who deserve rights but creatures who need to be put in cages?" Harumi continued, tapping her chin while carrying a gentle tone. The police commissioner's brow knitted with disgust at the little girl's words. Perhaps the ninja's claim about her being the wicked leader of the gang wasn't too farfetched. Harumi then turned to her father with a smile.

"Am I right, father?" she asked.

"Yes, yes, but don't speak unless spoken to, Harumi," the father said plainly before turning back to the papers on the mayor's desk. The princess's face fell before glancing down at the ground. "If that is all, commissioner, you may leave." The policeman didn't even get to respond before he was shoved back out the door.

Meanwhile, the remaining ninja team started surviving their first day in prison:


"Argh!" Nya whipped around to find her brother soaked to the bone. A guard had dumped a bucket of dirty water over his head.

"Move faster, Element Scum!" he complained. Kai growled under his breath while whipping around, fists balled.

"You--" Nya latched onto his shoulder before he landed a hit on the man.

"Don't! It won't do you any good," the water master whispered to him. Kai glanced at his sister before lowering his guard. The two siblings went back to scrubbing laundry in the huge soapy container. Them and all the other prisoners in the room wore orange jumpsuits and handcuffs. However, the elementals wore stone cuffs, canceling out there powers.

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