Chapter 26 Mending a Bond

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"Alright, who wants to dance?" Kai asked with a smirk. His hands suddenly burst into flames. The gang members readied themselves while Jay just eyed the flaming teen.

"Really? That's the best you can do?" He questioned in disbelief. Kai turned to him, with an obvious shrug.

"Yeah, that's the best I got. What's wrong with that?" He questioned, his hands still ablazed.

"You sound like an old timey boxer or street fighter. Who says who wants to dance in a fight anymore?" Jay complained while waving around his nunchucks.

"Hey, I don't see you comin up with any cool lines. What would you say?"

"I'd say get ready for the burn."

"No, you see, that's worse. That's so much wors-- Ow!" Kai shouted before getting smacked in the head by Lloyd.

"I've heard you two bickering like an old marry couple all night! Ever since we took that wrong turn at the park, we haven't heard the end of it with you guys! So would you please stop fighting and FIGHT!" Lloyd exclaimed, raising his fists into the air. Jay then glanced over at Cole.

"Any idea what he's so angry about?" Jay asked the black colored teen.

"I'm about five seconds away from blasting both of you over this building. Lloyd is the least of your problems right now," Cole mumbled with irritation. The Master of Lightning backed a few inches away from the older teen in fright.

"Dually noted," Jay inputted before turning back to the gang members, who were already charging. "Oh crud."

"NINJA GO!" Kai, Zane, Jay, and Lloyd all shouted before using Spinjitzu. The gang members flung everywhich way while Cole rushed back to Seliel.

"You okay?" He asked while she was getting up.

"Yeah... thanks," She replied softly.

"Don't mention it," Cole stated, a bit coldly before dodging an attack.

"Cole I--"

"I don't wanna hear it, and this definitely isn't the time," He insisted in annoyance, sending chunks of rock towards one gang member. Seliel nodded before charging towards a few other members.

Meanwhile, Jay felt a slight tap on his shoulder.

"I'm over here... no here! You a real Elemental Master? You look like you're 10," One of the gang members insulted while he whirled around Jay like a spinning top. The blue colored teen quickly grew dizzy from going around in circles. He fired his lightning everywhich way, but the Master of Speed continued to dodge them. Jay's face turned green from underneath his mask as his eyes began to spin. "You had enough yet, ZapTrap?"

"No... but you.. Ha! Give me a second..." Jay panted, resting his hands on his knees. "You sound like you're... having fun," Jay admitted sarcastically, trying not to puke.

"Eh, What can you do when an evil dude is mind controlling you with bracelets if you don't do what he says," The Master of Speed babbled causally.

"You know I can take that off of you. I'm shock proof soo...." Jay trailed off while waving his hand around, waiting for the guy to finish his thought.

"Dude seriously!?! Yeah! Come on!" The Master of Speed insisted. He held out his wrist to Jay. The blue ninja reached for the bracelet carefully.


Instead of unlocking the bracelet, Jay blasted his lightning directly at the Master of Speed. The gang member, caught off guard, jumped and jolted every which way before collapsing to the ground. Seliel rushed over to the blue ninja, completely baffled.

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