Chapter 40 Poisoned Heart

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A/n: Happy Halloween 🎃👻🎃

"Well... that was way too-- HEY!"


Skylor was punched square in the face by the van's driver, but the culprit's identity was more shocking than the blow.

"That is not Harumi..." Pixal mumbled before the driver swerved, slamming into Wu and Misako. The two teens tumbled to the floor with the unconscious gang members. The driver's hood then fell, revealing a man covered in violet tattoos.

"He's one of my father's men. Guess the OverLord needed more soldiers than just elementals," Skylor stated while she tried to stand. Pixal frowned before dashing towards the front. The android pressed a button from her wrist, shooting out an electric shock at the driver. The man shook violently before collapsing against the wheel. The van sped up. Skylor wobbled over to the android to lift the man off the accelerator. Pixal then took over the wheel and stomped on the brake. After a quiet pause, Skylor let out a sigh of relief.

"Nice job, girl," Skylor said with a smirk, plopping the unconscious driver on the floor. Wu and Misako then rolled up beside them. Both vans lowered their windows. The teachers searched the girls' faces, searching for any sign of victory. Their hope, though, diminished once they noticed the growing dread in the atmosphere.

"Did you--"

"She is not here," Pixal answered, keeping her somber tone. Skylor's fists tightened.

"She could be back with the OverLord by now," Misako spoke. Wu turned back to his steering wheel. His gaze hardened while his mind trailed over the situation.

Harumi forced Borg to create a remote that atuomatically shuts off the bracelets.

Shutting off the bracelets means the sludges would have free rein to take over their hosts.

The OverLord would be able to control them, and others they infect, completely.

However, Chamille said that she felt the OverLord's hold was weaker than before.

His plan would fail anyway, though, if the ninja take off the remaining bracelets in time.

Not to mention Lloyd's powers would easily--

"Yeah, my father's clearly having a blast, tricking us with one of his men," Skylor rambled as her and Pixal proceeded to take off the bracelets on the unconscious elementals.

Wu's heart skipped a beat.

Chen's men...


The Master of Dark Magic...

Who knows what the OverLord could do with an ally like that.

Wu squeezed his eyed shut.

Think... Think! There has to be some logic to this plan.

Why create the remote now... or better yet... why make the bracelets in the first place if he didn't want to risk disobedience.

And why is the OverLord weakening his hold on--

Wu's mind flashed back to the last time he saw Garmadon.

"Well, isn't this a wonderful sight to see? All the people that I thought were my allies are now plotting against me..." Garmadon said with black goop spilling from his lips.


"Oh d-don't play dumb with me... I know what you all think of me... I'm just a stain on your lives..." Garmadon muttered, swaying back and forth.

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