Chapter 4 Secret Team

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As the sun slowly began to rise over Ninjago City, Cole could be seen walking down the empty hallway of Ninjago Highschool. A backpack rested over his shoulders with his hands stuffed in his pockets. The junior was deep in thought as his feet led him towards the principal's office.
After barely getting any sleep the night before, Cole still pondered on the request his principal gave him.

"He thinks I could use my powers for good?"  he wondered outloud. Cole pulled out his hands and stared at them with uneasiness. The memories of him losing his patience and causing earthquakes to form flashed through Cole's mind. He shook off the thought in fear before stuffing his hands back in his pockets. "He better be right about this." Cole came up to the principal's office and opened the door.


Cole jumped from the sudden katana in his face. He stared in fright at the masked figure before him. They wore blue and grey cloth and armor.

"Seliel! One of these days, you're going to hurt somebody by doing that!" A voice called out. Cole turned to his right to see a teen with short, blonde hair. He wore a green outfit like the katana swinging figure with green eyes to match it.

The figure before Cole lowered their katana and quickly removed their helmet. Underneath was a girl with long pink hair with a blue streak to compliment it.

"You're a girl?" Cole accidentally said outloud.

"And, you're a boy who clearly needs to learn how to knock," she spoke with sarcasm. Cole stared blankly at the two of them before throwing his hands in the air.

"I clearly didn't get enough sleep last night," Cole spoke as he figured they were just hallucinations.

"Hey wait! You're Cole right?" the green colored teen asked. Cole turned around and gave a nod. "Principal Wu will be back soon. He just went to go grab something." Cole slowly walked back inside the office,  before the girl, known as Seliel, began examining him.

"You're suppose to be an elemental master?" she asked with suspicion.

"Seliel," the other teen warned with a tired attitude.

"Well... you're tall, but the fearful look you gave when you came in makes me wonder if you have the stomach for this," Seliel began as she poked Cole's arm, pulled his hair, and circled the poor guy.

"Ow! Would you cut that out!" Cole spat in irritation.

"And, it looks like you could lay off a sandwich or two while you're at it," Seliel mentioned.

"Okay, that's it!" Cole shouted before going straight for the pink haired girl.

"That's enough! Thanks for welcoming him, Seliel," the other teen said sarcastically. He stepped in between the two. Seliel shrugged before walking off to another part of the room. "Sorry about her, she's not friendly to new people." The boy then held out his hand. "I'm Lloyd, an elemental master like you."

"Really? A master of what?" Cole questioned before shaking the boy's hand. Lloyd held up his hand, and a green glow started to form over it.

"Master of Energy or at least I think it is. Principal Wu told me that it's a new discovered power," Lloyd admitted.

"I see you both have met your newest member," a voice interrupted. All three teens turned to see the old principal himself. He was still in his usual suit while now holding a mug filled with hot tea. Wu closed the door behind him.

"Lloyd, make sure to keep this door closed. You know no one can know about your powers," Wu mentioned as he walked over to his desk. Lloyd gave a slight apologetic nod.

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