Pixane Short

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A/n: Hey guys! I know Zane was no where to be seen last chapter, so I wanted to do this little clip of where he was during chapter 12. This part is all just Pixane, so I didn't want to make it into another chapter. Just imagine this as an extra part to Chapter 12 because I was too lazy to put it in when I published it lol.

For the past couple of weeks, Zane has been labeled as a new student to the school, thanks to Principal Wu. Jay and Cole have both helped him alot with explaining what certain things were and how people act while at school. However, the poor android is still seen as weird to the other students.

After another long day at school, Zane made his way towards Wu's office. When he walked down one hallway, though, Zane noticed a shocking but beautiful sight. A female android was standing at the other end of the hall, looking down at a clipboard. The android couldn't help but stare at her silver hair and emerald green eyes. She, though, was too busy checking over Vice Principal Brog's schedule for next week to even notice the boy down the hall. A feeling of nervousness quickly grew over Zane, which was new for him. He still wasn't sure where these feelings were coming from. After taking a minute to snap himself out of his shock, Zane noticed three guys walking over to the other android. One of them gave a smirk. He elbowed his friends while motioning over to the silver haired girl. Zane's eyes narrowed, realizing that they didn't seem to have good intentions. One of the boys walked up to her.

"Hey there, robot lady. What's your name again?" He questioned with clear sass. The female android lifted her head up and away from the clipboard before giving a dull gaze.

"Pixal: Primary. Intellect. External. Assistant. Lifeform. Vice Principal Borg's assistant. Can I help you with anything?" She asked in a monotone voice.

"Wow, it talks just like a real person. Why would Vice Borg keep his toys just lying around?" Another guy asked with a raised eyebrow. Pixal's gaze hardened. The boy closest to Pixal then crossed his arms with another sly smile.

"How about you get us some sodas, robot girl?" He questioned cooly.

"My job is assist Vice Principal Borg and help any students who have questions. Not to serve drinks," Pixal corrected calmly, doing her best to remain respectful.

"Maybe if you say a codeword she'll do it. Pixal, go get us some drinks," another boy commanded. Pixal stayed where she was, growing more impatient by the second.

"If you will excuse me, I need to finish these papers," Pixal explained politely before turning away. The boy closest to her then grabbed her wrist.

"Hey, we want sodas, robot. Go get us some," The boy spoke rudely. Zane had enough of these disrespectful teens. He walked over to the group and stood his ground.

"Hey, leave her alone," Zane stated calmly. The group of boys and Pixal all turned towards the android with confusion.

"Oh great, the new freak. Get out of here, weirdo," The guy holding onto Pixal said coldly. Pixal pulled her wrist away from the guy and stared at Zane.

"Not until you leave her alone. She's a person too and deserves respect," Zane stated. The boy closest to Pixal walked over to Zane and tried to shove the android. However, Zane countered it by pushing his hands out of the way. The boy grew annoyed and went for a punch, but Zane grabbed a hold of his fist. The training he did with Seliel really paid off. Zane shoved the boy away and stepped closer. His attacker was practically foaming at the mouth. His friends took out their shiny new phones, ready to capture the fight. However, one of the boys accidentally pressed a different app, instead of the one to his camera, and Zane suddenly felt strange. He tried to move his arms around, but he was stuck in place. The boy with the app tried to exit out of it. Each button he pressed, though, made Zane move around. Zane's attacker stared at him strangely.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" He asked, weirded out. The boy with the app began to notice Zane's movements as he pressed the buttons.

"Whoa," He spoke, surprised. Sparks began to go off in Zane joints as he walked around in circles. His eye started to twitch and sparks flew once more.

"What in all Ninjago? He's a robot like her!" Another boy spoke with shock. The app boy continued to play with his device and laughed. His friends headed over to him and glanced down at his phone.

"How the heck are you doing that?" Zane's attacker asked.

"It's this new app that came with my phone. I guess it affects robots," He spoke with a chuckle. The group continued pressing buttons while growing in their laughter at the android in front of them. Pixal stood there, shocked as well. She then narrowed her gaze at the boys and stormed over to them. Pixal slapped the boy's phone out of his hands, and the device fell with a crack.

"What the heck!? That was new!" He spat off at her.

"It's time for you gentlemen to leave," Pixal stated before pulling one of the boy's arms behind his back tightly.

"Hey hey! Ow ow ow, okay! We'll go, jeez," He complained weakly. The three boys walked off, leaving a relieved Zane. He put his hands on his knees to catch himself. Pixal walked over to him, looking concerned.

"Are you alright?" She questioned. Zane looked up at her before standing straight once again.

"Yes, thank you for saving me," Zane spoke calmly with a smile.

"Thank you for your assistance as well. Those boys weren't polite at all," Pixal replied with a smile of her own. She then noticed a couple sparks were still going off on Zane. "Permission to scan?" Zane was taken aback by the request. His processors started to heat up.

"W-what?" He stuttered weakly.

"You're short circuiting. I was asking permission to scan your system to find if anything is wrong," Pixal requested.

"Oh, yes of course," Zane accepted with a nervous smile. Pixal's eyes then suddenly flashed blue. The blue light then began to scan over Zane's systems.

"Nothing too bad. I spot a couple wires are burnt out. Come with me. We can get you fixed up," Pixal explained before motioning him to follow.

The two androids strolled into Vice Principal Borg's office. Pixal pointed at a chair for Zane to sit. Zane obeyed while staring at the tidy looking room. Pixal went for one of the desk draws and pulled out a few blue wires.

"Mr. Borg always keeps extra parts in case I need any during the day," Pixal explained before pulling up a stool in front of Zane. The male nindroid pulled up his sleeve and opened a compartment on his arm. Pixal carefully removed a couple burnt wires. The male nindroid flinched by the sudden yank but soon relaxed.

"Thank you, I bet you were surprised to find out I was an android too?" Zane asked curiously.

"Alittle, but I could already sense a powerful energy coming from you before. I just wasn't sure if it was actually a physical power source until now. And I still can't comprehend what your power source is," Pixal rambled while putting in the wires.

"What do you mean?" Zane questioned.

"I mean it's just so... unique. I can't explain what it is. If I didn't know any better, I would have said it was magic," Pixal replied with wonder before closing up the compartment on Zane's arm. Zane glanced down at his chest and placed a hand over where his heart would be if he were human. Silence came over the two of them until Pixal stood up.

"Well, you are fully fixed. Thank you again for your assistance, but I have to get back to my work," Pixal stated averting back to her monotone voice. Zane smiled her way before walking over to the door to leave. However, the door suddenly burst open. Jay stood behind it with a worn out look.

"There you are Zane. We've been looking for you every--" Jay cut himself off once he noticed Pixal in the room with him. Jay then sighed loudly. "First Cole takes a little vacation with his girlfriend and now you too? That's it! Everybody needs to stop sneaking off with girls!" Jay exclaimed dramatically before walking off. Zane glanced back at Pixal with an embarrassed shrug before following Jay out the door.

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