Chapter 22 A War Between Two Brothers

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Silence filled the classroom. All three teens and the two deputies glanced at one another. None of them dared to move a muscle. Their breathing was the only sound anyone could hear. Jay's eyes scanned over all the burnt books and pages on the ground. He then noticed Deputy Tommy's hands move. Tommy pulled back his coat to reveal a stone like weapon. Jay's eyes widen. His body finally picked up speed. In one quick scene, Jay managed to jump out of the way before a stone chain shot right at him. Jay dove for the floor, rolled, and stood up once again, moves he learned from Seliel. Deputy Simon took a tazer and aimed it at the blue teen. However, Cole jumped in and slammed Simon into the wall. Jay took the opening and dashed out of the room with his friends.

"Why the heck did you just burst in the room like that?!" Jay snapped as they raced down the hall.

"Look, I'm running on 3 hours of sleep, and I'm alittle distracted by all the stuff Zane's been telling me. So, excuse me if I'm not thinking straight!" Cole complained loudly until he processed what he just said."Great, I'm starting to sound like you now. I'm sorry, I didn't see the police in the room when I opened it."

"It's fine, but I think we need to get the heck outta here!" Jay exclaimed once he noticed the large group of police chasing them from behind. More stone chains shot out towards the teens. Zane, though, blasted ice at the ground, causing the police to slip and fall. "Where are we going exactly?" Jay asked as they turned a corner. The three boys froze in place once they noticed at least a dozen more policemen right in front of them.

"To Principal Wu's office." Zane answered as he froze the policemen's hands before they could grab their weapons. Others still threw their chains. The teens did their best to dodge, but one ended up latching onto Cole's wrist.

"Seriously!" Cole shouted; he tried to yank the cuff off. He grabbed a hold of the chain and tried to use his strength to pull the policeman towards him. However, he could barely move him an inch. His eyes widen at the realization that his super strength was completely gone. The policeman holding Cole pulled out his taser and stepped closer towards his captive.

"Uh, guys? Alittle help!" He exclaimed in a panic. Jay turned towards Cole and used his lightning on the cop. The policeman shook and bounced at the sudden electricity shooting through his body. He collapsed to the ground and was out cold. Cole rushed over to the cop and grabbed his keys to the cuffs.

"Thanks, Jay," Cole spoke before being freed.

"No problem, now let's go!" Jay exclaimed. The three teens raced away from any remaining policemen.

Misako was sitting at her new desk when the three ninja burst in. The old woman jumped by the sudden company. Each of the boys panted from sprinting through the entire school. Jay slammed the door shut and locked it.

"What in all Ninjago is going on?" Misako asked them, clearly confused.

"You are Misako, correct? Lloyd's mother?" Zane asked while shutting the blinds in the office.

"Yes, who is asking?" Misako requested as she stood up with a hand on her hip.

"We are the other elemental masters you asked Pixal to send for," Zane answered while showing off his ice abilities.

"But we were found out by the cops, and now the whole police force is after us!" Cole exclaimed in between breaths. Misako stood still, speechless by her new situation. She then bent down and opened a desk drawer. With one press of a hidden button, a piece of the floor vanished to reveal a stair case.

"We need to go, now!" Misako ordered as she motioned the boys towards the steps.

"But that leads to the training room. There's no exit down there!" Jay pointed out in a bit of a panic.

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