Chapter 13 Blackmail

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"Okay, ready, Jay?" Lloyd asked. Jay stood as still as a brick. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on his powers. "If you don't want to use up all your energy so fast, then you need to not focus so hard," Lloyd finished. Jay shot him a look.

"Wait what? Then how can I--"

"Lightning is quick. It's fast. It latches onto a high enough target and zaps! If you want to not lose all your energy when using your powers, then you need to not focus so hard. All your energy goes into focusing and not your powers," Lloyd explained while standing on top of the foam mat with Jay. Cole, Zane, and Seliel sat off to the side, watching all this go down.

"Okay? I guess I... won't focus?" Jay asked before closing his eyes again. He took in a deep breath and began lifting up his hands. He tried to summon his lighting quickly; he aimed it right for the target on the wall.

"Everyone!" Wu exclaimed while rushing down the steps. Jay's eyes shot open by the sudden sound, and a blast of lightning fired quickly from his hand and onto another part of the wall. Smoke filled the room. A large crack in the wall appeared where the lightning struck.

"I'm not fixing that," Seliel snapped in annoyance.

"See? Just need to not try so hard," Lloyd spoke while patting Jay on the back. Jay shot him a glare and then turned to Wu.

"You all need to see this," Wu spoke before heading back up the steps. Everyone looked at one another; each one of them soon followed their principal.

Wu turned up the TV in his office as everyone filed in.

"Breaking news on the Elemental Gang. While most of the members looted a few stores downtown, last night, apparently the rest of the gang fought in an alley on the other side of town. Citizens reported shouting and lots of crashing. The alley they supposedly fought in was found to have tons of broken up trash and plenty of scorch marks on the walls. Even some kind of weapons, that looked like they were melted, were also found at the scene. Since most of our policemen were busy with the Elemental Masters downtown, no one was able to arrive at the event until much later. Luckily, though, police were able to capture one of the members during the looting," The reporter lady rambled before the screen showed a picture of a grown man with a full on beard and huge metal gloves over his hands.
"This Master of Metal has been identified to the police as Karloff Kenzo. He's now being held in Ninjago City's strongest prison and currently being questioned by police. More news on that later today, so stay tuned." Wu switched off the TV and gave a look to Seliel.

"Do you have something to tell us, Seliel?" Wu asked. Everyone turned towards the phantom warrior who cocked an eyebrow.

"Why do you think I had anything to do with that?" Seliel remarked, sounding offended.

"Who else fights crime at night with weapons like that?!" Jay exclaimed, shocked that Seliel questioned the claim. The phantom warrior sighed loudly, accepting her fate.

"Fine, yes I ran into the small group of elementals in that alley last night. They were kidnapping a teen who had power over the wind," Seliel stated slowly, not looking at the others.

"The Master of Wind..." Wu trailed off.

"Why didn't you tell us this sooner?!" Lloyd exclaimed, growing angry.

"I just... I don't know, okay?" Seliel spat in annoyance. Jay gave off an enraged gaze.

"What kind of answer is that!?" Jay shouted, drawing closer.

"Guys! Calm down!" Cole exclaimed, pulling his hands up before Jay and Seliel got any closer with one another.

"Bickering like this isn't going to get us anywhere. Seliel, could you tell us what happened?" Wu continued before taking a seat behind his desk. Seliel turned away from the angry Jay. She crossed her arms and clenched her sleeve tightly. The warrior took a look around at the people in the room. She wasn't expecting to gain any sort of friendships when joining this team. She might not admit it, but Seliel was gaining a liking towards this elemental group. Now they were furious because she made a idiotic mistake. The night before was so much of a blur to her. The only thing that remained was the shame and embarrassment that consumed her thoughts all day long. She's trained herself for so many years, so she could stand up against any enemy that tried to harm the innocent. No warrior, though, is invincible. Even the most determined and even stubborn heroes fall. However, Seliel's fall felt even more permanent to her. She carried a burn that reminded her of her failure. The thoughts of last night brought pain to the young warrior as her mind felt like it was going a million miles an hour. Silence seemed to ring through her ears as she shut her eyes tightly.

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