Chapter 42 Not Alone

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A/n: The end is here.... 😂


Wu placed a hand against Cole's back, helping his fallen student sit up while Seliel supported his other side. 

The old teacher's gaze then scanned over rooftop, slowly counting all of his students. 

One, though, was clearly missing. 

Wu left Seliel in charge with tending to the earth master and rushed over to his other students. Misako was busy examining each of them, but she also carried the same fear in her eyes as Wu.

"Have any of you seen Lloyd?" Wu muttered softly. His students almost didn't hear him. 

"I thought... Wait, Lloyd was going to help Jay and-- Hold on," Kai stated before dashing over to the edge of the rooftop. The fire master called out to the blue duo below, but Wu already knew what their answer would be. The teacher then shifted over to the fallen gang members. 

Most were elementals who were slowly realizing their new found freedom. Wu, though, focused on the members with purple tattoos. The ones being hand cuffed by the police.

Anger built up inside the Master of Creation before storming over to one. He grabbed the gang member's shirt collar and stared right into his eyes.

"Where is the OverLord hiding?" Wu spat. The gang member slipped into a smirk.

"Who?" he asked lightly until the elemental yanked the man further down to his level.

"You have no idea who you are working for. That creature will be unstoppable if he gets his hands on my nephew. Now, tell me where--"

"Um, Wu?" 

Wu released the criminal and turned to find Pixal. 

"I know how to find Lloyd." 


"Okay, single file, go go go!" Ray whispered loudly as the group of elders dashed down the hall. The torches barely illuminated the place, causing the escapees to make several wrong turns. The darkness, though, did help them with blending into the shadows. 

Hallway after hallway they went while the violet fire lit their path. Chen led the way, claiming he remembered the exit. The group stopped by a corner while the noodle man held up a hand to halt.

"Do you even know where--"

"Ssshh!" Chen demanded, whipping his head around to face the former master of fire. "There is an exit just down this hall, but we will also be passing the OverLord's throne room."

"Are there any guards?" Maya asked. 

"Strangely no."

"Anyone else think it's also strange there's been very little gang members walking around this place?" the former ice wielder asked. 

"Maybe they're all out distracting the police with those raids you were talking about?" Julien suggested, looking at Chen.

"I don't think the OverLord would be that careless. He's probably got guards in the room with him," Ray muttered back. 

"Whatever, better chance for us to escape," Chen mumbled back before motioning the group to follow. 

The escapees crept down the nearly pitch black hallway, being careful to tip toe near the throne room entrance. 

As they past, though, Maya heard shouting.

Very loud shouting.

The former elemental stopped. Her husband looked back to notice her hesitation. 

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