Chapter 7 Black and Blue

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"Hey, Cole," A voice spoke from behind the large teen. Cole turned away from his locker only to look down at a familiar ginger head.

"Hey, Jay," Cole replied while trying to hold back his annoyance. Jay was this freshman who had been the first person to talk to Cole on his first week here. However, the older teen soon realized just how chatty the guy can be. Plus, when ever the short teen talked, Cole couldn't understand half of what he was saying.

"I'm almost finished with my latest invention. I'm not sure if it will fly this time, but now I added a compact press converter to adjust the wing span. Then, I fixed up the jiggly compressor to give it more durability. Hopefully, it'll work this time," Jay rambled with excitement.

"Yeah, hopefully," Cole replied slowly as the two walked down the hallway.

"Maybe I can fly over two buildings this time! Oh, I hope the convert compressor doesn't cross with the jiggly convertor or else I'd be flying right into a billboard again."

"Yup, that would be bad," Cole spoke not really understanding what he meant by flying into a billboard.

"Your day going good?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Jay stopped the huge teen from walking any farther.

"Alright, you can drop the act," Jay inputted with arms crossed.

"What are you talking about?" Cole questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"It's pretty clear that you don't like me." Cole stood there dumbfounded. He wasn't surprised that Jay picked up on his behavior. He was just shocked that he said something.

"No, it's not that I don't like you," Cole stated. Jay raised an eyebrow now.

"Please, you're not the first person to give me that look of dread. You're just one of the firsts to hold out this long," Jay admitted with a sigh. Cole stood there speechless as the awkward moment grew.

"Jay, I-"

"Look, you don't have to hang out with me anymore if you just do one thing for me," Jay continued with a small smirk. Cole raised an eyebrow, now growing more annoyed.

"So you're trying to blackmail me? Well you're doing a poor job with that," Cole replied before walking past him.

"No no no, not blackmail. I just need your help with something." Jay cut infront of the larger teen's path.

"Can't you ask some one else to help you? I have to get to class." Cole began to storm off again.

"Yes, but none of my friends are strong enough to help me with this, and you're the only person I know, who won't shove me into my locker, that might be able to do it." Cole slowed down and glanced back towards the ginger haired kid. He gave pleading eyes towards Cole who responded with a dull expression.

"I still don't see any part of this deal that works out for me. If you already know that I don't like you, then what's to stop me from not helping and just ignoring you?" Cole pointed out. The freckled face boy pondered on this. He tried to figure out what could Cole want that would make him agree. His eyes then lit up before he turned back to the black haired teen.

"My mom makes the best home made cookies. I can have her make you some," Jay inputted. Cole crossed his arms, not accepting the bribe. A few other teens in the hallway even started to stare at them as if they were about to fight.

Wow, this guy won't give in. What else could I... oh..

Jay held up his finger once an idea came to mind.

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