Chapter 5 Snow Storm

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It was late at night in Ninjago city. Streets were vacant once more from the fear of those lurking in the shadows. However, one man could be seen coming down the empty street. He picked up speed but was slowed down due to a limp in his step. Fear was plastered over his gaze as he tried to find a way out of his mess. His long, white hair stuck to his old face from sweat. He wore a dark coat with a hood to conceal most of himself, but it didn't help. What gave him away was the snow around him. Strangely, the tiny snowflakes from the sky seemed to follow wherever the man went. He turned his head up towards the sky as if pleading with the snow to stop, but it just continued harder. He turned his gaze back towards the shops around him. He tried to find some place for shelter. He saw no lights other than the few street lights. However, hope slowly formed over the old man once he saw light coming from one shop in the distance. He ran as fast as he could as he felt the snow pour harder on his frightened face. He looked up at the store's sign that read: "Julien's Antiques". He pushed opened the door to be greeted by a ringing bell. He gazed around for any sign of life, before he locked the door shut behind him.

"Hello? Is someone there?" Another old voice called out.

"Please! You have to help me! It won't be long before they find me," The man, still covered in snow, spoke frantically. A figure walked up from the basement of the store. It was Mr. Julien himself with a surprise look at his new guess.

"Oh my goodness. What happened to you?! And how are you covered in snow? It's September!" Mr. Julien asked in bewilderment. He rushed over to the injured old man who was breathing heavily.

"Please, the snow... I can't control it in my weakened state. It won't be long before they come and take me," The old man said with terror. Mr. Julien cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

"Are you saying that you're one of those Elemental Masters?" Julien asked.

"Yes, but I'm not like those others who reek havoc on the city. Please, you must believe me. Those Elemental Masters are after me and my power. They'll find me by following the snow!" The old man pleaded. Mr. Julien gave off a stern look before leading the man down towards his basement.

"Don't worry, I've met my fair share of kind Elemental Masters before. You don't have to prove anything to me," Mr. Julien replied before turning off all the lights in his store. He closed and locked the door to the basement as he helped the old man down the steps and onto a chair. The snow covered man held his arm tightly; Mr. Julien rushed to find the first aid kit.

While Julien was gone, the old man couldn't help but notice the figure underneath the white cloth on the table. Once the inventor came back, the old man removed his coat to show a gash on his shoulder. Thankfully, it wasn't too deep. Mr. Julien took out a rag covered in alchohol and began to rub it on the wound. The man winced in pain as Julien continued cleaning the cut.

"Thank you, I haven't met kindness like this in a long time," The old man spoke to distract himself. The inventor gave a small smile in return.

"It's not an issue. We should be safe down here for the night," Mr. Julien explained, but the old man wasn't convinced. His focus, though, turned back to the figure under the cloth.

"May I ask you, what is that under the sheet?" He asked as he seemed almost drawn to whatever it was. Mr. Julien turned to what the old man was talking about.

"He's a project I've been working on for a while,".

"He?" The old man asked in confusion.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I mean... it. It's a robot I've been working on, but I can't find a powersource strong enough to power it yet," Mr. Julien replied with a bit of embarrassment.

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