Chapter Nine

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Tiffany's POV:

I wake up to the sound of silence. And it was pretty dark in this room. I cringe and turn to the clock beside my bed to see that it's six thirty in the morning. I guess I went to bed too early, and hearing the guys arguing again from up here made me want to stay up here. 

I let out a loud yawn, hopping up and out of bed. I decide that I'll get some training in before Kyle decides to ruin my fun. Maybe I can learn something new by myself. 

After changing into my sport clothes, I jog down to the backyard and begin my training. First I wanted to start lifting something else, like leaves. So I do. I concentrate on the leaves lifting into the air and make them move in different directions. 

I then decide to move back to training with the water. I do the same thing by concentrating on the water, raising it in the air and spinning in circles, then a blue butterfly caught my attention making me loose my concentration and making the water fall back into the pond with a big splash. The freezing cold water splashes on me, making a chill run through my body. 

Today isn't a warm morning either. It's cold and now the cold water splashing on me just makes it worse. Dang it. 

I run through the garden to the back door, opening it quickly and letting it slam behind me and go to rush up the stairs only to bump into a hard wall.

"Woah! Tiff, you ok?" 

I let out a sigh. Damn it, I actually thought it was a wall.

"I-I'm f-fine." I say, stuttering as my body starts to shake. Kyle's eyes widen and looks down at my body.

"Tiff you're shaking and soaking wet! What happened?" Kyle asks sounding concerned. I just shake my head but he puts his hands on my shoulders.

"What do you want me to say? Huh! For goodness sake just let me be. You've showed about enough of how little you actually care about me Conaway. At least your brother actually shows he cares." I suddenly gasp as my back hits the wall behind me.

"Tiffany. Don't you dare. You know very well I actually care cause I brought you here before you got killed. I do care, really." With each word he spoke his face gets closer and closer to mine. "I care about you far too much than I should but I do."

"How are you going to prov- achoo." 

I think I'm catching a cold. 


Well I know for sure I'm sick now. 

"Come on." Kyle says grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs,

"What are you doing?" I ask annoyed, practically running behind him. 

"I'm showing you I actually care." He tells me and pushes me towards a door. Or more specifically the bathroom door in my bedroom. "Go, have a shower. I'll get your clothes." 

I stay in my spot and he nods his head towards the door, "Go before you get sick." 

"Fine." I grumble and close the bathroom door behind me. 

I turn the tap so the water's not too hot or too cold. And then I strip down to nothing letting the warm water drench my freezing cold body. 

I can't help but think why he's attempting to be nice. Like come on is he bipolar or something? These thoughts are running through my head as the water slides down my body. I close my eyes taking in the warmth of the water. 

When I'm satisfied and cleansed my body with the soap that Tyler brought me on our shopping trip, I turn the taps off and get out. Grabbing a towel I quickly dry my body and hair, the cold breeze giving me a chill. I wrap the towel around my body tightly and look to the bench an to realise my clothes are in my room. Damn it. 

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