Chapter Three

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To the side is Avery >>>>>>>>>>>>


Tiffany's POV:

I wake up feeling drowsy, my eyes flutter open and I look around to see I'm still in the nurse's office. I hop up off the bed and grab my bag and head out of the room, just as I do though I bump into someone shorter than me, just as I'm about to apologise I see who it is.

"Tiffany Veyne. Where the hell have you been all day? Hmm, I was looking for you during break and I couldn't find you, I heard a rumour that you-" She pauses and looks at the room behind me, "That wasn't a rumor was it? Omgosh Tiff are you ok? What happened?" Avery asks in a rush and I smile slightly,

"Slow down gurl. I wasn't feeling well so I was in the nurse's office. I've been asleep for a while, what time is it?" I ask her and she smiles,

"Lucky for you school is over. If you want I'll give you a ride home, I don't want you catching the bus if your not feeling well." Avery tells me and I smile,

"Sure. Thanks, I owe you one."

"You owe me nothing. That's what friends are for, to care for one another. You know your not really my friend but my sister. I was also soo worried, I left the classroom at full speed just to see if your ok and you are, thank goodness. Tessa just told me like five minutes ago that you were here, I wish I found out sooner." 

"I'm ok really. You don't have to worry. Are you seeing Mia this afternoon?" I ask and she shake's her head,

"Nope, she said she had a test to study for."

"Ok good, then we can chill at mine and watch a movie or something. What do you say?" I ask and she smiles brightly,

"Of course, then I'll just have to make a pit stop and get Ben and Jerry's. No movie is complete without Ben and Jerry's." Avery tells me and I give her a hug,

"That's my girl." 

So after about thirty minutes in the store grabbing more than just Ben and Jerry's, we also pick up popcorn, lollies, energy drinks and chips. Once all is paid for we head back to mine, as soon as we enter the door mom smiles at us,

"Hello girls. Avery how are you sweetie? Long time no see." 

"Heh yea, it's been a while. I'm very well thank you, how are you Jane?" Avery answers with a polite smile, mom nods,

"I'm doing well also. Are you going to be joining us for dinner?" Mom asks her and Avery looks to me and then nods,

"Sure, why not." She smiles and so does mom,

"Great, then I'll get started. I'm cooking home made ricotta and spinach, and beef ravioli. Your favourite." She says looking at both of us and she is right ravioli is both mine and Avery's favourite but above that is Ben and Jerry's. Yumm.

"We'll be upstairs mom." I say, we both head upstairs but mom calls up behind up,

"You girls better not eat too much junk food before dinner, oh and don't give any to Claire, not that I like to be rude to my daughter but I really don't want her to go all hypo on me." Mom says and I laugh lightly,

"I only got her a juice and a chocolate bar. I'll give them to her after dinner." I tell her and she nods in approval,

"That's fine. Now carry along, and I'll call you down when dinner is ready." 

We both nod and continue up to my room.

"So what's it going to be? Hot ass actors or romance?" Avery asks with a wink and I laugh,

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