Chapter Two

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To the side is Kyle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Tiffany's POV: 

"Tiffany, I can't seem to find what's wrong with you. You say these pains are like a burning through your chest correct?" Dr Perry tells me,

"Yes, like something is literally burning my chest. That has to mean something right?" I ask and she nods her head,

"Yes. Very likely to be serious but the thing is your chest isn't sore at the moment and the burning isn't happening now, so maybe it has settled down." She tells me and I shake my head,

"Is there anything you can give me other than pain killers?" 

"No, not at this moment. I'll be sending you to get an x-ray just to be sure that it isn't anything. Until we find out what exactly it is then we can't give you anything. It could be just heartburn but you have told me that it comes twice every few days within a few hours of each other, so I'm not too sure." She tells me continuing to type at her keyboard and I raise a brow,

"Not too sure, your suppose to be a doctor!" I exclaim and she shakes her head, turning from her computer to look at me,

"This burning in your chest that your describing to me is something I haven't heard of before and it could be heartburn but you can get heartburn more than twice most days. You can also get heart burn from laying down." She turns back to her computer, prints off a piece of paper and signs it, "Here is your x-ray prescription, as soon as you have the x-ray I want you to come back so I can tell you your results and we'll see if anything is wrong." She explains, I sigh in defeat and nod at her,

"See you next week." I say leaving the room, closing the door behind me on the way out. I book another appointment, and head home.

As I leave the surgery I notice a guy that looks awfully familiar leaning against the wall with a pair of RayBan's sitting on his nose. Yea, maybe I am just being paranoid.

I take a few steps until I hear someone calling my name, I turn around and it is the guy that was leaning on the wall or should I say that jerk.

"What do you want Conaway? Are you like following me now?" I ask and he shrugs,

"No. I'm waiting for someone. I didn't know you'll be here when I was." he says with a perfect answer and I just raise a brow,

"Sure you were. Why'd you call out to me then?" 

"No reason."

Kyle freaking Conaway is soo freaking annoying.

"Leave me alone then. Didn't I say to not talk to me?" I tell him walking away but I hear him call out,

"Yea you did. I just love annoying you." I can totally hear the smirk in his tone. 

"What did the doctor say sweetie?" My mom asks and I shake my head,

"She told me that she doesn't know what the hell is happening to me mom. She said it could be just heartburn but the symptoms aren't the same, the burning is but you get heartburn by freaking lying down and I don't get it while lying down." I tell her and she shakes her head,

"Oh sweetie," Mom comes over and gives me a tight hug, "I'll do some research about heartburn and your burning pain in your chest." Mom tells me with a small sad smile, I know she is really worried about me.

"Ok mom. I'll do some also but first I need to do this homework before I get called out in class about it again." I tell her and she laughs lightly,

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