Chapter Twenty One

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Tiffany's POV:

Just like the time I was kidnapped, I fell asleep on the way home. I wasn't expecting to be lying on a bed when I woke up, which is exactly what happened- like last time. I look around the small dark room I was in and find someone- most probably Kyle sitting on the chair by the door. 

Why was he beside the door?

"Kyle?" I yawn, "Why are you over there?" 

He jumps slightly at the sound of my voice, soon the smallest of light lights up the small room, but when he looks at me he smiles tiredly. "You're awake." 

"I just woke up Ky." I tell him, sitting up on my arms. "Come. You need to sleep." I tell him, patting the spot beside me. 

He gives me a small smile and shakes his head slightly, "I can't. The others aren't here yet and the fact that you're unsafe is not reassuring." 

I sit up on my knees, lightly sinking into the bed. "Kyle, you don't have to worry about me. Really. You know I can handle myself if som-"

"Don't even say that." He says, instantly standing up and walking over to the bed. "I don't want anything to happen to you and I'll make sure of that." 

I send him an assuring smile as he puts his hand in mine. "Okay, then what time is it?" I ask him. Looking around the room for a clock but there isn't one.

"Three in the morning." 

I look at Kyle with tired eyes. "Come on, you need to sleep. I'm sure you've bolted the door and windows." I joke, he laughs sheepishly. I was joking, I don't think he was. "You seriously bolted the door and windows?" I shriek.

"Well, yeah." His sheepish look is adorable if you ask me.

"Okay." I sigh. "Let's get some sleep, and then you can like I don't know-" making quotation marks with my fingers, "protect me, in the morning. Everyone needs some sleep, even the bad guys." I tell him, he sighs and I know he has given in.

"Fine." As soon as he says that he let's out a yawn

I pat the spot beside me with a tired smile. Kyle gets the message and lays down beside me. I snuggle into his warm embrace, pulling the blankets up. I can already feel drowsiness hit me, and I let it.

"Night Ky." I mumble. Kyle replies but I don't know what he said as I fall into the darkness known as sleep.

The next morning I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing away on the side table. I reach for it blindly, feeling the table until I reach the buzzing device. I manage to answer it without looking at the screen, also not knowing who it is.

"Hello?" I mumble. 

"Well well well. I thought you'd never pick up."

The voice is very unfamiliar.

"Uh, who is this?" I ask in confusion. 

My voice makes Kyle stir beside me. Making me lower my voice.

"Hmm, well you don't need to know that." The voice says, sounding male. "The reason I called is so you have an option." 

This makes me sit up, blinking a few times I pull the phone from my ear and look at the screen. Blocked. This isn't good, and how'd they get my number?

"What option?" I ask in suspicion.

"Oh you know, give yourself up or lose your family." I gasp. "Oh and your best friend."

I start hyperventilating. I look at Kyle trying to figure out why he hasn't woken up yet.

"W-why? So you can kill me? Then what? Take The Elementaret, I'm pretty sure it doesn't want to be controlled by you." I tell the guy, I don't know how I even said that without stuttering.

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