Chapter Twenty Seven

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Tiffany's POV:

I walk into the kitchen and find it empty. It feels odd, normally someone is in here cooking, mainly Tyler.

Kyle was still sleeping when I woke up, so I left him to sleep for a while longer.

I open the fridge looking for something to eat, finding nothing satisfying. I could've made pancakes or an omelette but I'm literally too tired for that. Instead I grab the carton of orange juice, close the fridge and turn around. I jump in fright when I see someone leaning over the counter.

I pause with a hand over my chest, breathing heavily.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" I exclaim, putting the juice carton on the bench.

She looks at me with a raised brow, her long brown naturally wavy hair hangs down her back.

"I didn't know that leaning on a kitchen bench would scare the hell out of you." She says almost sheepishly.

I shake my head with a small smile. "You know you could've just said something, instead of just saying nothing at all and scaring the hell out of me."

Cece smiles and rolls her eyes, "Well, anyways. What's for brekkie?"

I look to the juice and back to her. "Just some orange juice. Want some?"

She smiles and nods.

As I grab two glasses and pour the drinks I ask. "So what's going on with you and Tyler?"

Cece looks at me, a slight blush on her cheeks. "Ha, w-what makes you think anything is going on with him?" She asks me, almost stuttering.

I let out a light laugh. "It's mostly obvious... but it's the fact that you guys went to school together, right?"

"Right. A long time ago."

"And you guys dated once?" I ask her, passing her a glass of juice. She nods slowly. "Did you love him? And I know I'm asking too many questions, but I'm really just curious. Back home you guys seemed happy together even if you weren't together."

"I did, yes." She tells me, her eyes now seem a little glossy, she blinks a few times and I notice now that she's tearing up. "But we can't be like that now. I have a boyfriend back home, Tyler knows that."

If I'm being honest, it seems like she still loves Tyler.

"Does your boyfriend know you're here?"

She gives a tight smile, "I told him I was visiting an old friend since he was heading out of town and I'd be on my own in our apartment. I didn't mention who though, although I'm not betraying him, I love Marc, I wouldn't hurt him."

I give her a tight smile and nod. "So... what's the plan for today? It looks like it's going to be a sunny day."

It's then that I start to hear my name being called, I look to Cece and see that she also heard.

"Yah! I'm in the kitchen!" I call out.

Tyler walks in with a bright smile on his lips as he looks at both me and Cece.

"Kyle's looking for you."

I smile and start to walk out of the kitchen.

"Don't do anything naughty while we're still here!" I hear Tyler call out, laughter lingering in his tone.

I pause, feeling my face heat up in embarrassment.

"Tyl- you-" I stumble trying to just say something, just anything. "Stop being annoying Tyler!"

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