Chapter Six

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Tiffany's POV: 

Kyle took his sweet time waking up, so I take that time to explore the house even though Tyler already showed me the tour. I soon go up to my room and take a proper look around, everything in the room has a vintage look to it. The walls are covered in vintage cream coloured floral wall, the queen size bed frame is also vintage with patterns around the edge. The dresser, bed side table and vanity are all matching. The dresser is tall with five drawers, the bedside table has two and the vanity has five. The vanity also has one of those fancy mirrors and a matching stool. I think I can get used to this room. With a fancy vintage chair on the opposite side of the room to the bed with a matching ottoman.

"Tiff, you like your room?" 

I jump from fright, my heart starts beating faster and my hand is clutching my chest. I turn around and glare at Kyle who looks amused,

"Don't do that!" I snap. Jeez, could've given me a heart attack.

"Do you?" He asks and I raise a brow,

"Do I what Conaway?" I ask confused,

"Like the room?" Kyle says like I'm dumb.

I look around the room and face him again, "Yea, it's lovely. Now what are we doing today? Tyler mentioned something about you having a plan or something?" I say and he nods,

"That's right. Well I'll show you around town and maybe, just maybe we could stop for lunch. We also have training at four so we have to be back by then." Kyle explains,

"Ok, then what are we waiting for?" I ask and he shrugs,

"Let's go." 

So after about two hours of Kyle showing me around town, I sit down on a park bench too tired to do anything else.

"Tiff, come on we have to go. Training starts in a few hours."

"I'm tired Conaway. Can't I just stay here for a while?" I ask and he sits beside me with a sigh, "Am I ever going to see my family again? Or even Avery?" I ask out of the blue, I can sense that he's thinking hard and is staring at the lake in front of us,

"It all depends on how things work out. It's not safe back hom-"

"What about my family? Huh. They are in danger cause I'm sure those people know where I live." I snap, glaring at him. He's not affected by it though.

"Tiff you know this is for your safety, so like it or not your staying here. We're only trying to help you, your more than welcome to go home but don't blame me if you get killed." Kyle snaps getting up and storming away,

"Your such a jerk Conaway!" I yell after him, huffing leaning back on the bench with my arms crossed over my chest.

I guess I can go find a payphone... that's it a payphone, why didn't I think of that earlier. I can call mom and Avery telling them I'm fine, I'm sure they're just about to call missing person's unit, if they haven't already. But the thing is I don't even remember where the Conaway house hold is, so how will I get back. I'll figure that out later.

As soon as I reach the payphone that I saw earlier I immediately put coins in the machine, that I had in my back pocket, and dial my home number. After two rings my mother picks up,

"Hello?" My mother asks sounding concerned, bringing tears to my eyes.

"Mom." I sob, "I'm safe ok. I'm just ringing to tell you that." I say into the phone, I hear sobs from the other line,

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