Chapter Sixteen

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Tiffany's POV:

Coming down for lunch sounded reasonable in my head, but when I came downstairs no one was here. Absolutely no one. They most probably went out. I just open the fridge and all the cabinets to find something to eat, but find nothing. Where's comfort food when I need it?

Tyler probably wants to avoid me as much as I want to avoid him. Not that he did anything wrong, it's just the fact that I made a decision that changed my mind, well I think my decision was for the best. I didn't want to date anyone when I wasn't sure about my feelings for them. 

I just decide to take an apple out of the fridge. Taking a bite out of it, I walk back up to my room. When I look down on my bed I see my phone and that's when it comes to mind. She is soo going to kill me.

I pick up the phone, unlocking it quickly and typing in her number, saving it and then ringing it, hoping she picks up. 

I hear a yawn and then a muffled voice, "Hello?" 


"Tiffany!" She asks in a loud voice, I let a light laugh.

"Yeah, it's me Avs. Whatcha doing? Sounds like you're tired." I say and then all I hear is silence and feet walking along the floor. "Hello? Avs you there?" 

"I think I just had sex with someone I don't know!" She exclaims with panic in her tone and my eyes widen. "And it's a guy. A hot one." 

"Avs, you better spill." 

"It's nothing, really. My ex-girlfriend had a party and invited me. I went, I don't remember much but I do remember drinking a lot, explains why I have a really bad headache." She sighs and then says, "What was I thinking?"

I smile, "I don't know Avs, you tell me." Then I smirk and say, "A hot guy, huh? So what did he look like? Blonde or brown hair? Tan or pale skin? Does he have abs?" 

"Shut up! You're shouting and it's hurting my ears." She sounds like she is in pain.

"I'm not shouting Avs, you just have a hang over." I tell her honestly, while shaking my head with amusement. 

"Okay. Whatever. Yes did I not mention he was hot. And it's not like I care what colour his hair is. He does have abs so that is a reason why he's hot. I have only seen his sleeping face, he looks cute. I just hope he's not an ass."

I raise a brow. "Avs, are you starting to like guys again?" 

"Who said I stopped." She laughs lightly and then says, "Talking about guys, what's happening with you and Kyle?" 

Did she really have to ask me that. "Avery. Me and him won't work. I don't like him. He doesn't like me." 

Lies. I think I might like him, but I don't want to. And I hope this feeling is nothing.

"Gurl, I know you're lying now I-" I cringe at the sound of her puking.

"Avs, are you okay?" I let out, the only thing that came to mind.

"Nope. I feel like shi-" 

"Okay. Avery, go to the bathroom, puke your guts up and then call me back. You now have my number so just call whenever, or text. Whatever suits you. And I hope you feel better soon." Then quickly adding, "Make sure you drink plenty of water and take some painkillers. Love you."

"Okay. Love you too." She groans and then she pukes again. 

I hang up and fall back on the bed.

"You moved on fast." 

I felt like I jumped out of my skin. I turn and glare at the person at the door. It was Kyle.

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