Chapter One

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To the side is Tiffany >>>>>>>>>>>>>


Tiffany's POV:

"Tiffany, Tiffany wake up."

Huh! What? Where am I?

"Miss Veyne, if you don't wake up this instant you will have an afternoon detention! This is not the first time you have fallen asleep in my class either." Ms Solace says with an annoyed tone.

Wait Ms Solace. That means I'm in school and not only school but math. I slowly open my eyes and raise my head to see that in fact it is Ms Solace staring down at me with an angry glare.

"Sorry Ms! Won't happen again!" I tell her in panic and she shakes her head, tutting at me.

"Miss Veyne. I don't think that would ever be possible since you do it in most of my classes." she says shaking her head, "If you ever want to get your grades up then I'd suggest you stop falling asleep in my classes." 

"Yes Ms." I say with a gulp and she nods and turns walking back to the board.

"Right, so class would someone like to volunteer to do this equation for me." she looks around carefully, avoiding any hands already put up purposely, "Miss Venye, your up." she smirks, that evil smirk teachers do when they think you can't answer the question.

I head to my locker for forth period to see that I have creative writing. I guess you could say it's boring... well most of my classes are boring, this is school duh. Anyways it's just common sense and this was a selective class and I choose it cause I like writing about anything really. But I don't think I'd make a career out of it though.

I walk to class at my own pace and just as I arrive the bell rings for class to start. I take my seat waiting for my teacher Mr Trench to arrive, since he is always at least a couple minutes late and boy am I right today. So I just rest my head on my desk.

As soon as he arrives to class sir puts his books down on his desk and faces us.

"Ok class. Today and for the rest of the school year we will be having a new student joining us. So please be nice." As soon as he says this, a tall guy with brown almost black hair walks in. The whispers of the students are also heard, most probably the girls.

"This is Kyle Conaway." Sir looks around the class and suddenly looks at me. I turn around to see if he was looking at the person behind me but sadly there was nothing but a blank wall. "You will be seated next to Tiffany Veyne." 

My eyes suddenly widen, did he just say this Kyle guy is going to sit by me? I could already feel eyes burning the sides of my head. Probably from Celeste's group, the populars. 

As soon as he reaches my desk, I smile politely.

"Hi. I'm Tiffany, nice to meet you!" I say. Kyle looks at me strangely but I ignore his rude remark, he shrugs and sits beside me. 

"I'm Kyle." he says in a flat tone.

Very rude indeed.

He reaches the back of his neck, from my peripheral vision I notice the muscle in his arm flex. I gulp and concentrate on what our teacher is saying about how writing about our personal experiences helps us be a better writer cause we already know what the situation is like. 

Taking down notes I notice something odd, Kyle was glancing at me when I wasn't looking (or thought so) and he wasn't taking down notes. Not my problem anyways.

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