Chapter Twenty Five

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Tiffany's POV:

A smile on my lips, while lying on my side facing my amazing boyfriend. 

Just lying down, entwining our hands together. 

Kyle who is still half asleep, is also smiling. His eyes watching me carefully, not creepily though. 



"I love you." 

I smile at this. "I love you too, Conaway." 

Kyle smiles at this, moving his arm and putting it around my waist. 

"You're not going to leave here, are you?" Kyle mumbles quietly. 

I frown at this. I didn't want him to ask me, cause I have to go home. It doesn't have to be today or tomorrow, but I have to go home.

"I don't want to, but I do have to go home." I move my head so it's resting on his chest. "But I'll be back, I just need to figure out some things with my parents." 

"I know you'll be back, cause you did come back to me." Kyle mumbles to me, lightly pressing his lips to my cheek. "But if you don't, I'll come find you." 

I can so feel my face turning slightly red. My heart misses a beat, and I can feel those butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

"I'm sure you will." 

I hear Kyle laugh lightly behind me, "Of course I will." 

Knock. Knock.

"You guys better have clothes on." 

The door swings open and both mine and Kyle's head turns to the now open door.

"Tyler, you're such an idiot." Kyle remarks, with a hidden smile that I noticed. 

Tyler smirks and shrugs. "What? You could have-"

"You can shut up now. We all know what happened and it wasn't that." I exclaim sitting up, folding my arms over my chest.

"That's because they still haven't done it, have you?" Avery says, walking inside the door with a little smirk. "Oh... looky here, she's blushing!" 

My eyes instantly move to look at the duvet as I feel my cheeks heat up even more. I feel Kyle pulling me into his chest, rubbing my shoulder comforting. 

"Who even invited you guys in here?" Kyle asks them, before mumbling, "Can't a guy get some peace and quiet around here?"

But I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that heard.  

I look up at the two standing at the door, wanting to know the answers too. 

Tyler looks at Avery and Avery looks at Tyler before laughing.

"Hey, we only came up here to tell you that breaky's ready. But if you're not up for it, I'll kindly take this idiot downstairs." She looks to Tyler with one of those small secretive smiles. "Let's leave these two be." 

She grabs his arm and pulls him out of the room. 

I just sit there watching the scene carefully, while Kyle silently does the same. 

"You know what will happen if we leave them alone right?" I hear him say before Avery closes the door behind them, cutting off Avery's response. 

Kyle sighs dropping back on the bed pulling me with him, his arm still wrapped around my stomach. 

"They are so annoying." 

I just laugh, "Well, when you put two people with similar personalities together you get... well that." 

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