Chapter Seventeen

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Tiffany's POV: 

The next morning I wake up early, get dressed into my training clothes and head out into the backyard to train. These days I feel like my powers are getting stronger, but in a sense where I can control them. 

I go to my spot by the pond and do what I did the first time I came here. I lift the water. I repeat the words in my head like I always do and the water rises, mixing together they make a large water ball. I feel hands on my waist making me drop the water and making it splash everywhere, including all over me. Kinda feels like deja vu I close my eyes and turn around, glaring at the person standing beside me. 

"Kyle." I ground out, "What the hell!" 

"Woah, chill out Tiffany." He smirks and I shake my head. "Well it worked." 

"What worked?" I ask confused and still mad that he made me splash water everywhere.

"I scared you and to top it off you got soaked in the process." He's still smirking. 

"Run." I whisper. 


"I said run." I say through gritted teeth and a smirk of my own. 

I use my powers to make the light breeze increase so now it is blowing faster, making the branches on the trees shake and the leaves on the ground move about. 

"You want to play a game. We can." I say innocently with a small smile. 

"I'd like to see you try Tiff." He winks and runs off. 

I don't really need to go after him because I use my transportation powers to move me right in front of him.

"Did you really think you could get away from me Kyle?" I ask him with a sweet innocent tone. He laughs lightly and I shake my head. I nod my head up, making some water from the pond rise and use my eyes to swirl it around. Kyle didn't realise what I was doing and that he was walking backwards until I dropped the swirling water over his head. 

"How'd you do that?" He asks me with surprise and I grin.

"I taught myself that. Pretty cool aye." I say, using my eyes again to make the wind blow around us in circles. 

"Your eyes are glowing." He whispers. "It didn't consume you." 

"The Elementaret is helping me out through all of this, I guess I just got the hang of it after a while." I tell him, playing with a loose strand of hair. "I kind have covered three elements. Earth, Water and Air. I still have yet to figure out how to use my fire powers." I tell him and he smiles.

"I'm proud of you. I really am Tiff." 

"Ohh! Watch this!" I tell him. Pointing to a spot in the garden, I say a few words in my head and watch as a orchid plant sprouts out of the ground. A new trick I learn't somehow last week.

Moving my finger around in a circle making a vine grow out of the plant and using the end of the vine to touch Kyle's neck, making him start laughing. He is most definitely ticklish.

"S-stop it!" He giggles, I tickle his neck with the vine again making him giggle even louder. "Please, st-op it!" 

His giggle makes the butterflies in my stomach awaken. I listen to him, making the vine return back to normal height of the orchid plant. 

"It's cool isn't it. I love the Elementaret and I'm sure I can use this power for good." I tell him with a smile. 

"I'm sure you can Tiff." Kyle tells me and then I hear a few yells from the back door.

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