Chapter Ten

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Tiffany's POV:

I wake up to the sound of a camera click go off. I think nothing of it. Attempting to fall back to sleep, only to hear soft snoring from beside me, a bit too close for comfort, not only that but I feel a weight on my lower stomach and it's definitely not the blanket. My eyes shoot open and look down at my waist to see an arm lying across it. I slowly turn my head to my left and let out a loud scream making me fall off the bed. The queen's size bed too. 

I slowly get up off the floor and turn to find Kyle sprawled out against the blankets. What is Kyle doing in my bed in the first place?

"Conaway." I say, my voice strained from my throat being sore. Kyle just keeps snoring away.

"Conaway." I say a little louder. He moves slightly but stays asleep. Damn freaking Kyle Conaway. "Move it Conaway!" I snap, throwing my hand to my throat. Crap, that hurt.

"Mmm-" He mumbles, turning over.

"Conaway." A say a little louder, my throat still strained.

"Wh-huh?" He mumbles. Blinking his eyes open and looking around his surroundings. "Tiff, why are you in my room?" He asks, his voice also sounding strained. Yea, that concludes we're both sick.

"Your room? More like mine." 

"No I-" He suddenly looks around again and notices that this is in fact my room. "Oh. I must have fallen asleep."

What? Wait! Callum, Kyle and me was watching Pretty Little Liars. That's right now I remember. We were watching Pretty Little Liars and then I started feeling sleepy so I fell asleep, maybe Kyle did too- well obviously he did, otherwise he wouldn't be in here. So where did Callum go?

"Never mind, just go back to your room so I can go to-"

"So you're finally up." A voice says from behind us and I turn around and see Callum standing by the doorway.

"Well yea. Anyways what time is it?" I ask him, he shrugs.

"Well. It's late afternoon." He pulls his phone out and checks the time I assume and then confirms it by saying, "Five o'clock."


"By the way, dinner's ready. Ty sent me up here to tell you both." Callum says.

I nod then I hear a sneeze from behind me. I turn to see Kyle sneezing, his face looking a little redder than normal. 

"I'm going back to bed, tell Ty to bring my dinner to my room." Kyle says his voice strained.

"Sure. He made pumpkin soup for the both of you. He said it's one of his best 'get better' recipes." Callum says and then walks out of the room, I turn back around to see Kyle getting comfortable again.

"Conaway, go to your own room." I groan but he does nothing but let his eyes close. 

I walk over to him and look at him properly, he looks peaceful lying here. Maybe I should just leave him alone, he is sick after all.

But so am I. 

I pull a few tissues from the box beside my bed, blowing my nose and exiting the room leaving Kyle to be in peace for a while. He needs his rest as much as I need mine. 

Just as I walk downstairs and into the kitchen I over hear a conversation between Callum and Tyler, something about Kyle admitting something.

"He should just come out and say it alread-" 

I curse the day they made creaky floor boards. Callum looks towards the door and sees me.

"Morning sunshine! It's about time you finally got up." Tyler says with a slight smirk. I just nod, letting out a yawn and walking over to the table, taking a seat at a chair behind a bowl and spoon.

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