Chapter Five

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To the side is Tyler >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Tiffany's POV: 

"I know what's happening to you." 

Just those words that came from his mouth freaked me out. Another sharp burning pain shoots through my chest and I hold my hand there tightly. I breath in and out slowly, the radio playing quietly in the background. Once I think I'm right to talk I do.

"What on earth does that mean!?!" I all but scream,

"I'll explain it later, but you need to get some rest." He tells me, I widen my eyes as I see the motorway entrance ahead.

"Conaway! Where the hell are we going? My house is back that way you know." I say in a rush. If I'm not home this afternoon my parents are going to freak and Avery is going to kill me... not literally.

"We can't go back there. It's not safe for you and you need to know what's happening to you."

"Ok, what is happening to me Conaway? Explain to me why I nearly got kidnapped, actually forget that you are kidnapping me and what the hell is Elementtanet?" I ask and his eyes flick to mine for a second before speeding even faster on the road, making me grip the seat for my dear life, thank goodness I put on my seat belt.

"Elementaret. Well I guess there's no point telling you later." He pauses to change lanes and then continues, "It's what's causing you these burning pains in your chest." 

The burning starts again and I bend over holding my chest really tightly. 


"No." I breathe in and out again, "Those pain killers you gave me, were they really pain killers?" I ask afraid of the answer,

"No. They were to prevent the Elementaret from taking over your body. It's happening right now and if you don't start to learn how to use it, there is a chance of it killing you."

I gulp slowly. Ki-kill me. Kill me! This thing is going to kill me! I hiss in pain as the burning starts to get worse.

"You really need to rest Tiff. Go to sleep it's going to be a long drive, plus I have nothing to suppress it right now."

"Fine. But you better explain the rest when we get to wherever the hell where going." I snap. I put my head back on the head rest and get comfortable, well this chair is comfortable. I close my eyes and they feel really heavy so I let them drop and I slip into sleep.

That's weird, I feel like I'm on a cloud. Stretching my arms and legs out I let out a yawn and flutter my eyes open. I wipe my eyes from sleep and look around, this place isn't familiar. Where the hell am I? And why am I on a queen size bed?

All the events suddenly flow through my head and I gasp sitting up. I was kidnapped by Kyle Conaway because someone else tried to kidnap me, finding out about some Elementantrent or whatever the hell it's called. 

I look beside me by habit and nearly let out a scream when I see Kyle asleep in some vintage chair by the bed, in the dull light. What the hell is he doing in here? While I was sleeping... was he watching me? Oh my gosh, this is my worst nightmare.

Kyle's head falls to the other side of the chair, I feel sorry for him. Why the hell would he sleep on an uncomfortable chair? 

"Tiff." He mumbles and that's it, I think I really did scream and accidentally woke him up in the process. Great.

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