Chapter Twenty Six

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Tiffany's POV:

I wait for one of parents to talk and of course my father decides to speak first.

"Now this is why I tell you to stop being so lenient with her." 

I just roll my eyes, keeping quiet so I don't start a fight with either of my parents. That's not my goal here. 

A moment later a feel my phone buzz in my pocket, I sneakily take a look at it and see its from Avery saying she arrived home but forgot to message me.

"Jared, calm down." Mom says, placing her hand on dad's arm. She then looks at me with a small smile, "If that's what you want to do honey. As long as you know I'm supporting you on this."


"Jared, you're too hard on her. Arguing with her is getting us no where and I'm sure you know that." She tells him in a disapproving tone, but sounding calm at the same time. "I'm sure you want to go to college, right? So where's the nearest campus near..." She cuts herself off, and I know for a fact why.

My dad looks at her with a raised brow with a smug look on his face. "You don't even know where she's moving to, do you? When she was gone, do you know where she was for the past two and a half months? And you're just going to let her move in with some guy she hardly even knows and could be a murderer for all I kn-"

"That's enough dad. That's low for even you." I exclaim angrily, he doesn't get it. I was moving out end of high school even if it wasn't with Kyle. "Kyle's a great guy, and I know him more than you do. Mom thanks for the support. Dad learn to grow the fuck up." 

The whole house now seems so so quiet, my dad looking more than shocked at my outburst. 

"I've been wanting to move out for a long time, longer than you guys even know." I start, then I look to my father, "You and me have been fighting for I don't even know how long and I just want to be happy for once, I'm happy now or well I was before this conversation happened. Mom wants me to be happy, why can't you do the same for once in your life." 

I turn and look to Kyle then with a small smile. 

"I didn't me-"

"I love Kyle, and I think I always will." I squeeze his hand then, cutting my father off. I then look back at my parents, "If it wasn't for Kyle I could have been dead. If it wasn't for Kyle I don't think, I don't think Claire or me would have survived. Please, just give him a chance. Please, that's all I ask. I'm happy with him." I quietly say, although I'm sure they all heard me clear enough. 

I slide my chair back standing up, letting go of Kyle's hand before turning and heading for the stair case to go to my room to pack. The faster this is done the better.

"Wait." My father calls out. I pause, halfway to the stairs. "Are you not happy here Tiffany?" 

I turn my head around slowly, looking at the man also known as my father. 

"I don't think I will be as long as I live here. I clash with you and mom too much." I state quietly. 

"And what about your friends?" He continues.

"Avery, she's moving away for college." 

"What about your sister?" 

"It's not like I'll be gone forever." I tell him. Walking slowly back towards the table.

Kyle and Mom just sits there quietly watching. 

"I'm not going to stop you, do what you want." He stands up, giving me one last glance before walking out the room. 

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