Chapter Eighteen

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Tiffany's POV:

On the way I was just bobbing my head to the upbeat music that Kyle was playing through the speakers. It was some sort of house music mixed with new electro music, which was pretty good considering I hate music with no words, but his house and new electro music was a mix up of all different songs that came out this year with words, which I was very thankful for. 

If a song I knew came on, I quietly sang with the song. 

Me and Kyle barely spoke throughout the ride but I didn't mind, the music was my distraction. In just under two hours we arrived at the beach. I slept a portion of the ride but I don't think that bothered Kyle that much. 

When I get out of the car, I stretch my back, tilting my head back, connecting my hands together behind my back and stretch. 

I look over to Kyle and see that he's now moved to the boot of the car, getting some stuff out.

"Here, let me help." I say walking over to him and grabbing one of the bags out of the back.

"You don't have to Tiff." He tells me, shaking his head..

"So what? I'm still helping." I give him a toothy grin, grabbing another bag and putting the straps on my shoulder, then proceed to grab a few towels.

"That's too much, here pass me something." He says putting his hand out but I refuse to give him any of the things in my hand.

"Hey Tee!!" I hear Skylar calling from somewhere behind me. I turn and give her a wave.

"Hey Sky!!"I say in the same cheery tone. 

"Ready to try to get out tan on?" She asks me and I shrug.

"I wasn't really planning on getting a tan, but I guess so." 

My skins too pale, so when I did attempt to get a tan one summer I ended up looking like a fried lobster. I burned instead of getting my tan, along with getting a few sun spots. Avery on the other hand, got a beautiful dark tan. Sucks to be me.

"Let's leave the boys to get the rest of the stuff while we go find a spot on the beach." She says and I nod agreeing with her. "See you guys soon!" She chirps and we are on our way down to the beach.

When we finally find a nice spot close but not to close to the water, we put our towels down, sitting on them and then put the rest of the bags beside them. I put on the hat I found back at the house and put sun screen on.

"Oh, no no. Tee, we need to use tanning oil, not sunscreen." Skylar explains and I shake my head.

"I prefer sunscreen over oil. I don't really want a tan since I really don't need anymore sun spots or burnt skin, since my skin won't tan." I say. I really want to be cautious, I really don't need anymore spots from the sun. I have enough on my arms and legs and I really hate them, especially the ones on my arms.

"It's alright Tee. But if you want any oil, just tell me. Okay?" She says and I nod with a smile. As she lathers oil onto her skin she says, "So Kyle told you about what happened to our parents." 

"Yeah, I hope it's alright that he did." I say quietly.

She waves it off with a small sad smile. "It's okay. It's best he talks about it to someone anyways. He hasn't really spoken to anyone about it, apart from me and Tyler but that was a very long time ago. When we stayed with our uncle and aunt, it was different, but when Tyler turned eighteen he moved back into the house, I moved soon after and Kyle wanted to move back with us, so he did." She tells me and I nod. "But anyways. I really need to get my regrowths done." She tells me changing the topic, staring at her hair. 

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